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Media ID Generation Rule

Level 5

We have Quantum Scalar 50 tape library which has barcode scanner and we have created a New Media ID Generation rule under the advanced configuration Inventory.

When inventory has been completed, still all the media's are geeting the default Media ID not taking new Media ID rule. we have veritied under vm.conf file and entry has been added automatically.

Any solution will be appriciated.




Level 6
1) what is your rule and what do your barcodes look like.?

2) did you create the rule on the SAME server that ran the inventory?
  ( I know sounds like a stupid question - but I had this issue.
I was on server A running a remote console - created a rule
then I ran the remote admin console from my pc and did an inject of tapes - rule did not work.
I had to create the rule on my pc for it to work. - So now I make a point of makeing rules on ever server that will ran a console - I only have 4 + my pc)

Level 5
Hello Hinchcliffe,

The barcode label has 8 characters and now i set barcode length to 8 and media id generation rule to 1:2:3:4:5:6.

Now i got what i needed, that is first six characters of the barcode.

Thanks for your update.


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