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NBDB in NB 6.5 failing on solaris

Level 2

I am using NB 6.5 on a solaris 10.


The system was running fine for at least 3 weeks.   Then for some unknown reason it seems that during a NBDB checkpoint (per some NB log), I loose my backup hardware.   The tape hardware processes avrd, tld8, etc are no longer running.   The nbdb_ping fails.   I can not start the NBDB.   I try to start the NBDB using several commands and none work.   Is a conf file getting corrupted somehow. 


Any ideas appreciated.    I read Anton Panyushkin's post and that might be of some use, I will investigate. 



Level 4

The following command should tell us if the Database server is running

#/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server -stat


If you get a message as below

Adaptive Server Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version
Ping server successful.

It means only the server is running but doesn't indicate that any of the databases are running.


Now run this command, to see if the database is up



If you get a failure here, you need to start the nbdb database.


#/usr/openv/db/bin/ndbd_admin -start


But before you start the database server or the database itself, I recommend you to study the server.log located at /usr/openv/db/log/server.log.


This log records actions related to shutting down, starting up related to database server and databases, it also marks checkpoints of databases.


If possible paste the lines other than those indicating checkpoint, we should get a fair enough idea as to whats going on here.


Level 2
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, I am familiar with some of those commands, we been having this problem for some time.  VERITAS support said all I needed was to upgrade, which I did.  And I still have the problem.   The nbdb ping does says the nbdb is not available.  I see a DBSPAWN ERROR = -80 when trying to restart the corrupted NBDB.    
I am getting the error listed in the doc. listed below.   However, the document does not tell you what the fix is.   The VERITAS document tells you how to recover, but not how to fix the problem.
I am seeing .lock files for several veritas components in different directories. I am still investigating.
Anyway here is the document id: 
Document ID: 294492
GENERAL ERROR: The NBDB database transaction log (NBDB.log) may become too large or corrupt for proper NetBackup operation.