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NBU doesn't start manual backups

Not applicable

Hey folks,

I'm trying tu run manual backups in a AIX 6.1 server, with a NetBackup 7.0, i've created my Policy and when I try to run a manual backup the activity monitor doesn't show anything, and i dont receive any message of error or warning, anything...

I've looked up the bprd's log and it doesn't show anything in particular:


12:27:46.562 [6422606] <2> vnet_receive_network_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.1257: hash_str1: NULL
12:27:46.562 [6422606] <2> vnet_receive_network_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.1258: hash_str2: 
12:27:46.562 [6422606] <2> verify_hashes: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.1771: hash_str1: NULL
12:27:46.562 [6422606] <2> verify_hashes: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.1773: hash_str2: 
12:27:46.562 [6422606] <2> bprd: socket fd from accept() is 8
12:27:46.564 [6422606] <2> listen_loop: request complete
12:27:46.564 [5046552] <2> logconnections: BPRD ACCEPT FROM X.X.XX.XX.38034 TO X.X.XX.XX.13724
12:27:46.565 [5046552] <2> process_request: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 8 succeeded.
12:27:46.565 [5046552] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host myhostname, x.X.XX.XX, on non-reserved port 38034
12:27:46.565 [5046552] <2> nb_is_valid_master_server: checking if myhostname is a valid server
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vxss_helper.c.494: VxSS magic: 329199 0x000505ef
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vxss_helper.c.495: remote_vxss: 55 0x00000037
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> VssSetLogLevel:  ++++ ENTERING ++++
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <4> VssSetLogLevel: (../../libVnbat/vss_auth.cpp,4798): Setting VSSLOG level to 5.
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> VssSetLogLevel:  ---- EXITING ----
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vxss_helper.c.537: Ignoring VxSS authentication: 2 0x00000002
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: command C_BPBACKUP_3_0 (55) received
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: immediate backup request = 329199 55 root system yyy yyy yyy /bkup.log TestPol NONE 0  0 
0 0 en_US en_US en_US en_US en_US 0 0 -1 0 0
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: After V_sscanf of bufr
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: clnt = yyy
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: clnthostname = yyy
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: clnt_bp_conf_name = yyy
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> process_request: keyword = 
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> get_type_of_client_port: db_getCLIENT() failed: no entity was found (227)
12:27:46.566 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: Comparing hosts <myhostname> and <yyy>
12:27:46.567 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: host1 myhostname myhostname addr X.X.XX.XX (0x9075935)
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: host2 yyy yyy addr X.X.XX.XX (0x9075935)
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: hostnames DO compare (1)
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: After get_client_and_host_names
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: clnt_bp_conf_name = yyy
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: clnt = yyy
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: target_hostname = yyy
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: retval = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> process_request: Before bkarfiles
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    backup_or_archive = 1
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    immediate_or_userdirected = 1



12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    client = yyy
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    client_hostname = yyy
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    requesting_user = root
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    requesting_group = system
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    progress_file = /bkup.log
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    policy = TestPoli
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    sched = NONE
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    keyword = 
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    user_interface = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    monitor_backup_job = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    backup_jobidstr = NONE
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    client_locales_present = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_lc_messages = en_US
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_lc_time = en_US
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_lc_ctype = en_US
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_lc_collate = en_US
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_lc_numeric = en_US
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    bkup_with_non_rsvd_ports = 16974338
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    client_type = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    cverbose = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    acknowledge_list = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    proxy_copy = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    generate_english_logs = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles:    sync_keep_alive = 0
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> append_to_client_log: ../dbmisc.c.3358: about to call ConnectToBPCD connect_opts = 0x01030202
12:27:46.568 [5046552] <2> ConnectToBPCD: db_getCLIENT(yyy) failed: 227
12:27:46.572 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: Comparing hosts <yyy> and <yyy>
12:27:46.572 [5046552] <2> hosts_equal: names are the same
12:27:46.572 [5046552] <2> local_bpcr_connect: bpcr.c.276: connect_opts = 0x01030202 connect_opts2 = 0x01000100
12:27:46.572 [5046552] <2> local_bpcr_connect: bpcr.c.283: connect_opts = 0x01000100
12:27:46.572 [5046552] <2> local_bpcr_connect: bpcr.c.322: daemon_port_type = 0
12:27:46.578 [5046552] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.2054: VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET: 6 0x00000006
12:27:46.578 [5046552] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.2068: service: bpcd
12:27:46.763 [5046552] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.4005: immediate connect: 0 0x00000000
12:27:46.763 [5046552] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.4008: connect: immediate CONNECT FROM X.X.XX.XX.38038 TO X.X.XX.XX.13724 fd = 5
12:27:46.763 [5046552] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM X.X.XX.XX.38038 TO X.X.XX.XX.13724
12:27:46.763 [5046552] <2> vnet_connect_to_vnetd_extra: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.188: msg: VNETD CONNECT FROM X.X.XX.XX.38040 TO X.X.XX.XX.13724 fd = 6
12:27:46.764 [5046552] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.541: VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET: 10 0x0000000a
12:27:46.981 [5046552] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.558: ipc_string: /tmp/vnet-77694301506066962690000000000-ZpavUa
12:27:47.163 [5046552] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.569: hash_str1: 6b3cf2cad16293d63e0919f93b8075b3
12:27:47.963 [5046552] <2> get_next_file_path: received string: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
12:27:47.963 [5046552] <2> get_next_file_path: received string: CONTINUE
12:27:47.963 [5046552] <2> msgbackup: Pinging pem
12:27:47.963 [5046552] <4> singleping: pinging nbpem
12:27:47.964 [5046552] <4> singleping: waiting for pem to reply to ping
12:27:49.964 [5046552] <4> singleping: ping of nbpem succeeded
12:27:49.970 [5046552] <4> msgbackup: sent start request to nbpem
12:27:49.970 [5046552] <2> bkarfiles: EXIT STATUS = 0
12:27:49.970 [5046552] <2> process_request: After bkarfiles(2)
12:27:49.970 [5046552] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 0
12:27:49.970 [5046552] <2> bprd: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/userreq_notify manual_backup yyy root
12:27:49.996 [6422606] <2> listen_loop: select() interrupted
12:27:49.997 [6422606] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
12:27:49.997 [6422606] <2> childterm: pid=5046552 exit=0, signo=0 core=no
12:27:49.997 [6422606] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
I ask for ur help,

Not applicable

I have the same issue on AIX, cannot run manual backups, when I start them, nothing appear in the activity monitor.




Level 3

I have the same issue on AIX but I wait about 10 Min job will show in activity monitor.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

May be there is some problem in Activity Monitor GUI.

See the below posts. There is a way to check the Activity Monitor via commandprompt.