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Need Script on Cleaning Count Remaining

Level 5

I checked the below  Post but script is not in place.

Martin mentioned:

Script it ...

nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid shows a field "Cleanings remaining" ....

Loop through each cleaning tape, pull out the single line containing 'Cleaings'.

vmquery I suspect (don't have a system to hand to check) .... has a cleaning remaining field, and has the option to give a single line output for each tape. This is even easier, as yo can id each line that is a ceaning tape by using the density type, and then just print the two fields that refer to the media id and the cleanings remaining


Need to know how....can you please give me exact command which will shows Cleaning Count.We have 4 libraries.


Looking for help...


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Simplest thing to do would probably save something like the following as a script & schedule it via cron:


vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' > clean.out

mailx -s "Cleaning Tapes - uses left" < clean.out


View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

for UNIX:

 vmquery  -b  -p 0 |grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

if you have windows find the grep and awk for windows.


Or just run the  "vmquery  -b  -p 0"  command (p 0 is the NONE pool)

Level 5

Thanks StefanosM

Actually i have 3 Tape libraries.TLD0,TLD1,TLD2.

So if i have to ran a script it should be like this:

Reqquest you to please check...In our enviorment Cleaining is set to 40....


vmquery  -b  -p 0 |grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$0, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

vmquery  -b  -p 0 |grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$1, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

vmquery  -b  -p 0 |grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$2, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

echo "Current TLD0 = $TLD0 Cleaning Tapes, TLD1 = $TLD1 Cleaning Tapes, TLD2 = $TLD2 Cleaning Tapes" | mailx -s "CLEANING TAPES REMAINING IN LIBRARY - TLD0 $cleaning TLD1 $Cleaning1 TLD2 $cleaning2"


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Just run the command from the command line. It is not a script.

You have to redirect the output to a file and then send it as email.

Configuring the email client is something I can not help you.

Can you send emails from the Linux CLI?
Do  you have any working script that sent email to you?


Level 5

I donot have script but i will do it if the command will give me coorect output and it shows me Cleaning remaining.When i ran command it doesnot show me any output...


Level 5

I donot have script but i will do it if the command will give me coorect output and it shows me Cleaning remaining.When i ran command it doesnot show me any output...


Level 6

Unfortunately I do not have a suitable system to enable me to test any library/tape related scripts, so I will need you to help me so I can try & help you.


Initially, can you provide the output from vmquery -b -p 0 per Stefanos' original post?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Try this first:

vmquery  -b  -p 0 -rn 0 

Depending on the output, we can 'fine tune' the rest of the command.

Level 5

media   media  robot  robot  robot  side/  optical  # mounts/      last
 ID     type   type     #    slot   face   partner  cleanings    mount time
CLN001  HC2_CL TLD      1      48     -       -           0     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN002  HC2_CL TLD      1      89     -       -          23     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN003  HC2_CL TLD      1     103     -       -          23     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN004  HC2_CL TLD      0     298     -       -          44     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN005  HC2_CL TLD      0     300     -       -          45     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN006  HC2_CL TLD      0     299     -       -          44     00/00/0000 00:00
CLN007  HC2_CL TLD      0     297     -       -          44     00/00/0000 00:00
CLNU08  HC2_CL TLD      2     109     -       -          38     00/00/0000 00:00
CLNU09  HC2_CL TLD      2     110     -       -          39     00/00/0000 00

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

and a screen shot of GUI from the NONE volume pool (media and device management -> media -> volume pools -> None)

also the output of the command
vmpool -list_all -b


Some times the copy paste does not copy the minus symbol (-) correctly. Check the commands before you run them or type them.

Level 5

Marianne: Its is ot showing anything when i ran vmquery  -b  -p 0 -rn 0 

Output of vmpool -list_all -b

pool           max partially full   description
None               0                the None pool
NetBackup          0                the NetBackup pool
DataStore          0                the DataStore pool
CatalogBackup      0                NetBackup Catalog Backup poo
NoBarcode          0                Media without Barcodes
UNKNOWN            0                New Media Inventoried
Scratch            0                Scratch Pool
Exchange           0                Exchange Volume Pool
FileSystem         0                File system volume pool
Exchange-LegalHold     0 Exchange-LegalHold volume po
NDMP               0                NDMP volume pool
VMWare             0                VMWare Backup Policy Type
Exchange_Imports    50                       ------
ENCR_Netbackup     0                Encryption Pool
Exchange_Import2    50                       ------
Exchange_Import3    50                       ------
Import             0                Restore Process



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Is the output of vmquery  -b  -p 0  ok for you?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

This should work:

vmquery  -b  -p 0  |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' 

(You will just need to clean up header output.)

Level 6

So immediate output (again per Stefanos' original post):

vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

gives the following output:

tape:CLN001 robot:1 cleanings_Remaining:0
tape:CLN002 robot:1 cleanings_Remaining:23
tape:CLN003 robot:1 cleanings_Remaining:23
tape:CLN004 robot:0 cleanings_Remaining:44
tape:CLN005 robot:0 cleanings_Remaining:45
tape:CLN006 robot:0 cleanings_Remaining:44
tape:CLN007 robot:0 cleanings_Remaining:44
tape:CLNU08 robot:2 cleanings_Remaining:38
tape:CLNU09 robot:2 cleanings_Remaining:39

Level 5

yes it would be fine....


Level 5

Andy and Marine,the command which you gave working good.Can you please tell me how can i put the same in script.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Similar to your other script:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vvmquery -b -rn 0 |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' >/tmp/cleanings.txt

cat /tmp/cleanings.txt | mailx -s "CLEANING TAPE COUNT "

Level 6

Simplest thing to do would probably save something like the following as a script & schedule it via cron:


vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' > clean.out

mailx -s "Cleaning Tapes - uses left" < clean.out


Level 5

i am trying to put it in script but no luck:

see below:

Cleaning=`/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' > clean.out
echo | mailx -s "Cleaning Tapes - uses left" < clean.out


Its giving me syntax error at line2..can you please help me Andy

Level 5

Hi Marianne/Andy/Experts,

I tried the script which you gave worked but its showing all Cleaning Media + All Media which needs Cleaning...I only want output of the command which You and Andy gave me 

vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

I want to put it in a script but its not working when i ran in script.



/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vvmquery -b -rn 0 |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}'

mailx -s "Cleaning Tapes - uses left"


Please help me...