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Netbackup Partial recovery

Level 6

I did partial recovery of catalog, during this is I opted yes for recovering policy data.

now when recovery has completed, I can see the polcies & images of soruce domain in target domain under ../db/images & ../db/class.

how ever I am not able to find these policies under policy section  of target master server.


Partner    VIP   

Policy information is located in [install_path]/netbackup/db/class

If the directory is empty it explain why you don't see the policies.

Level 6

Hi Nicolai

thanks for your response, But I can see all policies of soruce domain under /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class folder of target domain.

but still I am unable to see all those policies in Policies tab of target master server.

one more thing i have noticed, when I open any policy directory under ../../db/class it only contains one dir schedules, rest other files like "Clients, Includes, Info" are missing.


Partner    VIP   

Somthing did not when OK when restoring.

You can do a copy of the files from the master source masterserver. But such a indicdent should qustion "what else did go wrong" type of qustion.

Best Regards


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Did you close all GUIs and restarted NBU after the partial recovery? To see what exactly happened during the recovery, look for the Recover#### log file under ...netbackup/logs/user_ops/(user-name).

Level 6

Following is the error i can see in recover logs.


15:32:38 ERR - Failed to execute command /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprestore -w -T -X -K -C Source_master -t 35 -p Hot_Catalog -e 1419921042 -L "/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/root/logs/Recover1419933730.log" -f "/usr/openv/tmp/bprecoverfilelist.tmp" on host Tareget_Master (1)
15:32:38 ( INF - Status = the requested operation was partially successful.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seems you chose NOT to restore policies.

LOTS of entries in the log like these:

15:32:22 ( /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class/ excluded from the restore from image created Tue 30 Dec 2014 12:00:42 PM IST.
15:32:22 ( /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class/test_DB2/ excluded from the restore from image created Tue 30 Dec 2014 12:00:42 PM IST.



Curious to know the purpose of this exercise.
If this is for cross-domain restores, you don't need policies.
Follow steps in  Recovery without Import: 

If you are trying to merge 2 production domains into one - this is NOT a DIY job...

PLEASE upload logs as .txt files rather than .doc - text files can be opened online. .doc files need to be downloaded first.


Level 6

Thanks Marianne.

This is cross domain restore. It was just for testing.

In this process, edited bp.conf file of target master server with FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER entry

1)we copied the catalog backup images, DR file from Source to target media server by SCP.

2) catalog images were in basic disk STU, configured devices at target location.

3) restored the data with bprecover -wizard

4) opted for partial recovery and choosen to restore policy data.

5) after successful completion of restore, (blue job icons in activity monitor).

6) cat_export -all -staging -source_master soruce_master_name

7) cat_import -all –replace_destination

then content & ../db/images & ../db/class is visible.

we can see images in catalog from catalog panel in Activity monitor, but policies are still missing.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Not sure why the log shows that class folders were excluded or how you manage to see folders in the path when Restore log says that they were exluded....
Also not sure why you feel that you need policies when you only need to restore. (Only images are needed for restore.)

All I can suggest is to carefully follow steps in Recovery Without Import doc.

Partner    VIP   

If everything else went OK - just copy files from production.

Catalog Backup are notorious difficult. The trouble shooting guide is also not to clear and sometimes contradictory. It so easy to make a error that causes the restore to fail