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Notification when scheduled job doesn't start.

Level 5

Is there a way to receive email notifications when a scheduled job fails to start?  I don't mean an email for a 196 or some other status, I want the system to recognize that the job was never started in the first place and warn me.  My scheduled backup for a database didn't run for two days, which went unnoticed until someone asked me to restore it.


NBU 7.1


Level 6

Yes,i have the same problem.

If nbpem/netbackup schedule not work ,how can we know it?

Any symc expert can help?

Level 3

We have run into this issue many times and I have found no way in Netbackup to do this. The best way I have found is to monitor this outside of the GUI. We run a bpdbjobs command to check everyday for completed jobs for the policies we are concerned with and sends an email when it doesn't find any of the jobs we are looking for. Unfortunately, I can't give you an actual command because I am lacking in the windows syntax department.

Level 6

I can think of a few, you will need some system admin skills:

1) Create a crontab (or schedule task) to monitor the nbpem process, make sure it runs. You will not need this if your master server is already clustered which monitor nbpem anyway.

2) On top of the above, enable verbose logs for nbpem, create another crontab (or schedule task) to "analyze" the logs. Of course you need to first study and learn how to find out "error message" from the nbpem logs, look for any message that says about "could not run certain policy due to some reason...". It is not an easy task though I would say. Note that enabling nbpem logs also increases diskspace usage.