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Old files found in DSU

Level 6
I just poked in my DSU on a 6.5.3 system, and I see there are some files there beyond my expected expiration.  Further, I don't see any entries for them in the catalog.  So it looks like they've expired, but not been deleted.

# ls -ltr1 | head -2
total 12719118299
-rwxr-xr-x  1 191265 10513  62936580096 Jan 21  2010 XXXXXX_1264025683_C1_F1.1264025683.img
# bpcatlist | grep 1264025683

Is there any way to get NBU to clean these up and delete them?  I'm sure I could go through and try to find catalog entries for every file and delete the ones that aren't there, but I would hope that NBU should do it for me.  Can it?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Image Cleanup should automatically cleanup expired disk images - I see it happening in our lab when Image Cleanup job runs...

Have you tried to manually run 'bpexpdate -deassignempty -force' ?

The only other way that I can think of  (using NBU commands), is to upgrade to 6.5.6 so that you can use nbcatsync:
... the nbcatsync utility can do the following:
Prune images from the catalog which were not found on any currently configured disk volumes. The -prune_catalog option deletes catalog entries for the images that do not exist locally.

Level 6
It is definitely removing most images from the DSU, just not all.  It's like there are some remnants here and there that I want to clean out.  Maybe I had connectivity problems at the time that the image expired?

I don't think the bpexpdate will do anything because the catalog isn't referencing it any more.  If this were tape, it would be a normal image that had expired, but there's still data on the tape.  But since it's a DSU, I expect the image to be removed and it hasn't been.

That nbcatsync seems very close, but is the opposite of what I need.  it will remove catalog entries if the image is missing.  I want it to remove images if they're no longer in the catalog.   I wonder if it will do that as well.  

If nothing else exists, I guess I'll just have to script something.

Partner    VIP   

I have seen the same issue as you. I just do a bpimagelist of the image instead;

bpiamgelist -backupid XXXXXX_1264025683

And if that command can't find the image I delete the file by hand. As you have pointed out  - no need to use bpexpdate because the image is expired and not know by Netbackup.