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Oracle Arch/Log status 6 - 29

Level 6
Partner Accredited


I´m having a little problem w/ an archive/log job,

               when I run it fro the client if goes status 0,

              running from the GUI, the automatic backup stops w/ status 6.

               I have looking for some solutions and I found that is a little bug w/ solaris, the status isn´t really 6,
the status is 29,

the output of the bphdb:

16:33:50.298 [10525] <2> logparams: -sb -rdbms oracle -S svbackup -to 300 -c _svdbpndes-oracle-arch -s arch -clnt svdbpndes -FULL -kl 28 -b svdbpndes_1272310465 -jobid 589521
16:33:50.300 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_POLICY=_svdbpndes-oracle-arch
16:33:50.300 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_CLIENT=svdbpndes
16:33:50.300 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_MODE=B
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - NB_ORA_POLICY=_svdbpndes-oracle-arch
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - NB_ORA_SCHED not defined.
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - NB_ORA_PC_SCHED=arch
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - NB_ORA_SERV=svbackup
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - NB_ORA_PC_BTYPE not set
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_FULL=1
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_INCR=0
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_CINC=0
16:33:50.301 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - setenv NB_ORA_SCHEDULED=1
16:33:50.302 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - BACKUP START
16:33:50.363 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - CONTINUE BACKUP message received.
16:33:50.364 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - Processing _svdbpndes-oracle-arch
16:33:50.369 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - bphdb still working.
16:33:50.369 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - Keepalives will be sent every 150 seconds.
16:33:50.369 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - Waiting for the child status.
16:33:50.372 [10526] <4> bphdb: INF - Child executing _svdbpndes-oracle-arch
16:33:50.372 [10526] <32> bphdb: FTL - Child exec of _svdbpndes-oracle-arch failed.
16:33:50.373 [10526] <32> bphdb:    errno = 2: No such file or directory

16:33:50.373 [10526] <16> bphdb: ERR - bphdb exit status = 29: failed trying to exec a command

16:33:50.373 [10526] <4> bphdb: INF - EXIT STATUS 29: failed trying to exec a command

16:33:50.398 [10525] <16> bphdb: ERR - Script exited with status = 29 <failed trying to exec a command>
16:33:50.410 [10525] <16> bphdb: ERR - bphdb exit status = 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

16:33:50.410 [10525] <4> bphdb: INF - EXIT STATUS 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

I have found something about the script .SH and stuff, that is not the case,

I also checked  the DATE TIME of the both servers and its ok.

any idea??


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Level 6

Have your DBA review the RMAN log.

Check these documents for possible solution:

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Thank you I´ll read the docs that U send me,
(after reading)  nope, nothing appears to be the ame error.

something about the child process,
even when it ran but schedule, all application jobs goes fine and the automatic backup goes status 6.

so wierd.

I ´ll ask for the DBA logs,

the stragen thing that if I send the job from the client if goes fine.

thanks again

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Is the Oracle client on Windows? If so, check the logon for the NBU Client service. It needs to be a user with Oracle admin rights.
When you do the backup from the client, you are logged on as a user with sufficient rights.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hello Marianne, Thanks a lot

Unix client 6.5.

auth in oracle as sysdba

there is no to run.

Level 6
 What does RMAN log have to say after failed job?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Claudio, I don't understand how there is no script to run?
How is your policy configured? If the policy is started from the master server, it initiates the script name listed in the Backup Selection tab on the client.
When the job is started on the Master, the script is started on the client as root. There needs to a 'su - oracle' in the script.

Level 6
look into bhhdb and dbclient logs. If you do not have these directories on client, create these under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/ 
set the verbose to level 5 
Also check for the DNS for forward and reverse lookups for client from master and media servers.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

I´ve configured the policy using the wizard to create a template in client,

in master server I create a policy that call that template to run.

some paper that I read told about some to run w/ the backup.

Level 6
the script in your case should be  _svdbpndes-oracle-arch

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Sorry, I was getting another calls.

the wierd thing is
all templates have the same perm.
there is another 11 templates running ok.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Please create dbclient log dir on client (remember 777 permission) and post log after next failure.