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Please Help Standalone tape drive.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

I backup files with Standalone Tape Drive.

I had use tape media that label already and try to backup and successful.


But today, I use exist tape media backup files but it return backup fail.


log like this:


9/20/2008 4:00:00 AM - requesting resource eblcs16-hcart3
9/20/2008 4:00:00 AM - requesting resource ebnb02.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.eblcs16
9/20/2008 4:00:00 AM - requesting resource ebnb02.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EBLCS07
9/20/2008 4:00:00 AM - awaiting resource eblcs16-hcart3
     A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
     Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
     Media ID: WK1L01, Barcode: --------, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Write,
     Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
     Volume Group: ---, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource ebnb02.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.eblcs16
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource ebnb02.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EBLCS07
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource SUNL01
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-TD3.000
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource eblcs16-hcart3
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - estimated 0 kbytes needed
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - begin Parent Job
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Start Notify Script
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - started process RUNCMD (5312)
Status 0
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - end Stream Discovery , Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:02
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Stream Discovery
Status 0
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - end Stream Discovery , Stream Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:00
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Status 196
9/21/2008 2:46:50 AM - end Stream Discovery , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 04:01:44
9/21/2008 2:46:50 AM - begin Stream Discovery , Stop On Error
Status 0
9/21/2008 2:46:50 AM - end Stream Discovery , Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00
9/21/2008 2:46:50 AM - begin Stream Discovery , End Notify Script
9/21/2008 2:46:52 AM - started process RUNCMD (7868)
Status 0
9/21/2008 2:46:52 AM - end Stream Discovery , End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:02
Status 196
9/21/2008 2:46:52 AM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 04:01:48
client backup was not attempted because backup window closed(196)



Why it pending request? please advice.


Level 6

Looks to me like it is pending as it is waiting for a resource to become available (Storage Unit? - maybe busy or no tape loaded in the drive(s)):


@Apitha wrote:

9/20/2008 4:00:00 AM - awaiting resource eblcs16-hcart3
     A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
     Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
     Media ID: WK1L01, Barcode: --------, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Write,
     Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
     Volume Group: ---, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A


When this finally becomes available & job starts it's stream discovery, the backup window has closed & so fails.


@Apitha wrote:

9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource ebnb02.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.eblcs16
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource ebnb02.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EBLCS07
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource SUNL01
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-TD3.000
9/20/2008 10:45:03 PM - granted resource eblcs16-hcart3
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - estimated 0 kbytes needed
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - begin Parent Job
9/20/2008 10:45:04 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Start Notify Script
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - started process RUNCMD (5312)
Status 0
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - end Stream Discovery , Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:02
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Stream Discovery
Status 0
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - end Stream Discovery , Stream Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:00
9/20/2008 10:45:06 PM - begin Stream Discovery , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Status 196
9/21/2008 2:46:50 AM - end Stream Discovery , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed;

9/21/2008 2:46:52 AM - end Stream Discovery , End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:02
Status 196
9/21/2008 2:46:52 AM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 04:01:48
client backup was not attempted because backup window closed(196)


Looks like it also loaded a different tape to what it originally requested? So no tape loaded maybe?


Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

I read tape media report; everything ok.


It's standalone drive, I can insert any tape media (already label it) and it can backup on that tape, isn't it?


I doubt why NetBackup pending wait for resource?


Message Edited by Apitha on 09-22-2008 03:48 AM

Level 6

@Apitha wrote:


I can insert any tape media (already label it) and it can backup on that tape, isn't it?

As long as the tape that's loaded is 'suitable' for the backup - i.e. correct Volume Pool, not full, not frozen etc - you should be ok.



Level 4



By default, NetBackup does not overwrite any of the formats on removable media, and logs an error if an overwrite attempt occurs. This format recognition requires that the first variable length block on a media be less than or equal to 32 kilobytes.

If media contains one of the protected formats and media overwrites are not permitted,
NetBackup takes the following actions:


If the volume is in the NetBackup media catalog and has been previously selected for backups

      • Sets the volume’s state to SUSPENDED
      • Aborts the requested backup
      • Logs an error



Refer to page no. 447 of the guide Admin Guide, Unix and Linux - Volume I

First, you want to check if the media is SUSPENDED or FROZEN, if it is then Unfreeze or Unsuspend the media as required.


And, if you intend to overwrite the data on the tape, include the following lines on your media server bp.conf






and do this on the master /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -rereadconfig




Level 6

Check the Internal and External tags of your media if you are using bplabel to label your tapes can be a missmatch with the Netbackup DB or it can happen that is seeing the tapes with a different name that the one they have on the barcode tag.


just a guess, let us know.


Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

I use NetBackup on windows system. I don't see bp.conf.


I check on report >> tape media report >> tape list


All media had Active.


I try to backup again but it alway pending....  :(


Where I should  check it?

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

All tape media is has data either NetBackup.


I try to backup in the stage details show message:

A pending action is associated with the resource request. User intervention may be required.


And it pening again.


How can I check this issue?

Level 6

@manoj Siricilla wrote:


Refer to page no. 447 of the guide Admin Guide, Unix and Linux - Volume I

I would also suggest looking at page 497 onwards (Managing pending requests and actions) of the same document.

Level 4



Here is how you enable media overwrite for windows


From the Admin Console

Netbackup Management -> Host Properties -> Media servers


- In the Right pane, right click on each of the media servers and browse properties.

- Clicking on Properties should open a new window.

- Navigate to the option "Media" under "Properties" in the left pane.

- Now, in the right pane, You should see "Allow Media Overwrite"

- Check all of the options : ANSI, TAR, DBR, RS-MTF1, CPIO, AOS/VS, MTF, BE-MTF1

- Click on Apply and it might ask you to restart the services.

- Restart the services and try performing backup.




I would also try these


If enabling overwrite didn't work

1. Try using a blank media, netbackup automatically labels the media.


If this doesn't work then we'll try prelabelling the media and adding volumes, Let me know how it goes.



Level 3

Does the "Enable Standalone Drive Extension" is enabled?

You can find it at :-

NetBackup management -> Host Properties -> Media Servers

- Select the media server, right click select "properties"  -> Select "Media"

You will be able to see the options there.

Aply and restart your netbackup