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Problems running BMR backup part after BMR Restore - Dell 2850 to Dell 2950 - missing .inf file

Level 2
Good day all,
Two weeks ago we did a succesfull restore from 2850 to a Dell Poweredge 2950.
At that time i did not do a manual full backup and let the normal backup policies run, thinking in the next weekend a full backup would be run and at that time the "current" BMR configuration would reflect the new hardware.
Last monday though we discovered that during bmr backup part an error occurs (see below)
6/9/2008 10:37:26 PM - begin Parent Job
6/9/2008 10:37:26 PM - begin Bare Metal Restore , Start Notify Script
Status 26
6/9/2008 10:37:26 PM - end Bare Metal Restore , Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00
6/9/2008 10:37:26 PM - begin Bare Metal Restore , BMR Save
6/9/2008 10:37:27 PM - started process bpbrm (2284)
6/9/2008 10:37:32 PM - collecting BMR information
6/9/2008 10:37:32 PM - connecting
6/9/2008 10:37:33 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:01
6/9/2008 10:37:33 PM - transferring BMR infomation to the master server
6/9/2008 10:37:33 PM - connecting
6/9/2008 10:37:33 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Received BMR error: The .inf file for the device PCI\VEN_1028&DEV_0015&SUBSYS_1F031028&REV_00\5&1E758DE3&0&700018 is missing from the system. Please install the latest version of the DELL PERC 5/i Integrated RAID Controller drivers, which, in most cases, resolves the problem. (1)
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Received BMR error: Failed to run Windows specific tasks. (1) 
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Received BMR error: Send of discovery not attempted. (1)  
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Received BMR error: BMR information discovery failed. (1)   
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Did not receive bmr client request from surapp001, status = -1
6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - end writing
Status 26
6/9/2008 10:37:41 PM - end Bare Metal Restore , BMR Save; elapsed time: 00:00:15
6/9/2008 10:37:41 PM - begin Bare Metal Restore , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Status 0
6/9/2008 11:09:35 PM - end Bare Metal Restore , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:31:54
6/9/2008 11:09:35 PM - begin Bare Metal Restore , End Notify Script
Status 26
6/9/2008 11:09:35 PM - end Bare Metal Restore , End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00
Status 1
6/9/2008 11:09:35 PM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 00:32:09
the requested operation was partially successful(1)
The job was successfully completed, but some files may have been
busy or unaccessible. See the problems report or the client's logs for more details.
I tried updating raid drivers on that server but since no newer version was available no drivers were loaded.
I tried copying the oemsetup.inf supplied with perc 5 files to the windows\inf directory and also right clicking and selecting Install.
Anyone have any idea's how to resolve this?

Level 4
What version of NB BMR are you using?
I have a similar error ("missing .inf") in NB 6.5, so we will try loading the driver with the Driver Package Wizard from the Windows BMR Boot Server Assistant.
We still cant' find an identical driver, so for the moment we loaded an older and a newer driver.
We'll ckeck the BMR backup jobs tomorrow...

Level 2
Using Netbackup 6.5 & I think i solved it though it might not be a really approved solution.
I checked logs on client side to see if i could find out more information on why the .inf file was reported as missing (even though in device manager all devices are detected and working)
<Netbackup Dir>\Logs folder i found a log file that had following entry "Inf file oem24.inf does not have the registered inf section percsas_Inst"
First i decided to view the oem24.inf and in it references are made to the device that seems to be missing a inf (according to activity view) and if there was a section named percsas_inst.
According to job details in activatity view
"6/9/2008 10:37:36 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2284) BMRERR: Received BMR error: The .inf file for the device PCI\VEN_1028&DEV_0015&SUBSYS_1F031028&REV_00\5&1E758DE3&0&700018 is missing from the system. Please install the latest version of the DELL PERC 5/i Integrated RAID Controller drivers, which, in most cases, resolves the problem. (1"
So the device id was listed in the oem24.inf file.
I decided to search the registry for any references to oem24.inf and found under HKLM\System\ a couple of references.
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} (default key in this should be SCSI and RAID controllers, just to make sure you are in the right key section) there are a number of keys depending on how many scsi/raid devices/drivers have been installed under this system.
In my case under the 00003 key there was the following items (exported to a reg file)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
I checked the registry on other 2950 servers and they had
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"InfPath"="<different inf file depending on system>"
"DriverDesc"="DELL PERC 5/i Integrated RAID Controller"
So by comparing i saw that the the registry InfSectionExt string value was missing and if you look at oem24.inf the reference to percsas_Inst that according to netbackup log could not be found is [percsas_Inst.ntx86].
I concluded that because the InfSectionExt string was missing Netbackup searched in oem24.inf for the section [percsas_inst] when it really is [percsas_inst.ntx86] etc
In short by adding the values in bold above to the registry of the server that reported bmr missing .inf file in Netbackup i fixed it. I was able fill in the missing registry values to do this though by comparing with another similar server.