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Robot issue - cannot sense robotic device (202)

Level 5

Hello. Having some issues with my tape drive (sun storagetek sl 48). Master is on Solaris 10, running NB Media server is on same box.

My attached tape drive has been throwing 2009 errors..after running a couple commands earlier, I rebooted my library through the Sun admin gui...ever since doing so, I can no longer connect to this robot through NB - get the error stated above.


The tape drive is ready and online. I restarted ltid (usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid), and still am having issues. This happened after running tpautoconf -t, tpautoconf -r, and scan -changer. Rebooted library (software).


So, what on earth did I do to my tape drive? Why can't NB see it anymore - I've rebooted the library on my other environemnt with no issues.

Per my /var/adm/messages:

olmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:07 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:12 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:15 nbolmasterback tldd[3159]: [ID 320639 daemon.error] TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to sense robotic device
Jan  8 19:15:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:17:19 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:17:24 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, init



tpautoconf and scan -changer no longer bring anything up, as the robot dissappeared. Per robtest:

ash-3.00# ./robtest
Configured robots with local control supporting test utilities:
  TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Robot Selection
  1)  TLD 0
  2)  none/quit
Enter choice: 1

Robot selected: TLD(0)   robotic path = /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Invoking robotic test utility:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tldtest -rn 0 -r /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Opening /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0



anyone, please help?!?!





Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Try these steps:


# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all 

Install the new sg driver configuration:

# /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install

Check/verify config:

# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan


(I am aware that Martin's method is different, but this has always worked for me.)

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hi Scott,

It is very late here so this will be brief based on first impressions.

This :


Opening /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0

Shows that that there is an issue connecting to the robot on path /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1, either a connectivity issue, or the robot is not responding:
Is it possible the path has changed somehow ?
This is almost certainly not a NBU issue, though, if the path has changed reconfig on NBU would be required.
Step to troubleshoot.
1.  Prove that the OS can see the library.  
cfadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
Do you see the changer listed ?
(Sometimes cfgadm won'y show anything, if so you'll need to find another command to show the devices that are san connected.  HBA vendors usually provide a utility, luxadm is another solaris command that can be used).
If not, this proves the issue is between the library and the OS.
If you can see the library in this step, then scan should see it and a rebuild of the SG driver will fix (*) 
This should work ...
modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'))
mv /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernel/drv/sg.conf.old
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
mv sg.links
mv sg.conf
../ all
(*)  If it still doesn't work, looks like a library issue, it is perfectly possible to get visibility from the OS, but  the library fails to respond to other commands.
Note. When you run scan, providing the sg driver is correct all that it does is send a scsi command to the library.  If this fails, the issue will be between the library and the OS - NBU is not involved (scan does not run any NBU commands).  I've seen san issues cause symptoms like this, faulty HBAs or HBA drivers/ firmware and robot faults.  I've never seen NBU cause this.
A good test is this :
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scsi_command -d <path to library>
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scsi_command -d /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1
This should return the model.
Again, we provide the scsi_command, but this is only sending a scsi_command, absolutley no NBU involved which helps to show where the issue is.
Hope this helps,

Level 5

Thank you for the response:

cfadm command:

fga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
cfga_msg: NULL msgp
Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
c8                             fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c9                             fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa           med-changer  connected    configured   failed
c10                            fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c11                            fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c11::500110a0008c7300          tape         connected    configured   failed


I see the changer listed, so I will proceed.

When it comes to this command:

modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}')) 

Looks like I got the syntax wrong or something, keeps coming back with :

usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]

I'm not very skilled when it comes to coding, so I copied your command verbatim. Was that what you were implying?




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Did you run cfgadm with "-al -o show_FCP_dev" argments(cfgadm  -al -o show_FCP_dev)? No lun# is displayed in your output, and device condition is displayed as "failed".

Here is an output of "cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev" in my working environment.

# cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
c2                             fc-fabric    connected    configured   unknown
c2::5001a4bcf8d18000,0         med-changer  connected    configured   unknown
c2::5001a4bcf8d18000,1         tape         connected    configured   unknown
c2::5001a4bcf8d18000,2         tape         connected    configured   unknown
c3                             fc           connected    unconfigured unknown

BTW, somehow link of emlxs1 continue to go up and down. You should check HBA hardware, HBA driver, SAN swithch or so first.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}')) 

Looks like I got the syntax wrong or something, keeps coming back with :

usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]

Use "modunload -i `modinfo| awk '$6=="sg"{print $1}'`" instead.

Level 5


I did use this command:

bash-3.00# cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev  

and I see what you mean with my results:

Ap_Id                                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
c8                                                fc                connected    unconfigured unknown
c9                                                fc-private    connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa               med-changer  connected    configured   failed
c10                                              fc               connected    unconfigured unknown
c11                                              fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c11::500110a0008c7300             tape         connected    configured   failed



This robot should have two drives. I see both in your example, with LUN included. Mine, not so much. Interesting indeed. I'm on Solaris 10, not sure if that matters?

Level 5

Also, as an fyi, your tip of

Use "modunload -i `modinfo| awk '$6=="sg"{print $1}'`" instead

did work. I ran that, then proceeded with Martin's suggestion earlier:

modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'))
mv /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernel/drv/sg.conf.old
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
mv sg.links
mv sg.conf
../ all
first step threw this:
bash-3.00# mv /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernal/drv/sg.conf.old
mv: cannot rename /kernel/drv/sg.conf to /kernal/drv/sg.conf.old: No such file or directory
bash-3.00# mv sg.links
bash-3.00# mv sg.conf
bash-3.00# ../ all
The file ./st.conf should be appended to /kernel/drv/st.conf.
A reboot may be necessary to create any new device files.
Created file ./sg.conf.
Created file ./sg.links.
bash-3.00# ./sg.install

        Copied files to /kernel/drv/amd64.

Doing add_drv of the sg driver

Leaving existing sg configuration.
If you wish to update the configuration you need to
        rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
and rerun /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install.
So, I'm assuming I don't have to re-run the last commands about 'updating the configuration', correct?
Re-running cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev after this step still shows changer and tape in 'failed' condition.
Is this looking like a hardware issue, aka my robot died? Maybe it's a coincidence a week of 2009 errors / software reboot led to it? It worked, although not at optimal levels, before software reboot.

Level 5

please ignore my last post, as I didn't spell 'kernel' right.

anywho, after fixing my mistake:

bash-3.00# modunload -i `modinfo| awk '$6=="sg"{print $1}'`
bash-3.00# mv /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernel/drv/sg.conf.old
bash-3.00# mv sg.links
bash-3.00# mv sg.conf
bash-3.00# ../ all
The file ./st.conf should be appended to /kernel/drv/st.conf.
A reboot may be necessary to create any new device files.
Created file ./sg.conf.
Created file ./sg.links.
bash-3.00# ./sg.install

        Copied files to /kernel/drv/amd64.

Doing add_drv of the sg driver

devfsadm: driver failed to attach: sg
Warning: Driver (sg) successfully added to system but failed to attach

WARNING: /usr/sbin/add_drv failed.
         There may be no SCSI devices on this machine

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Forget about NBU re-config until OS status is correct.

cfgadm output is still showing 'failed':

c9::500110a0008c72fa               med-changer  connected    configured   failed

c11::500110a0008c7300             tape         connected    configured   failed

As per Yasuhisa's post above - you need to check HBA as we see these entries being repeated in messages file:

Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:12 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.

A server reboot will reset hba, 
If these messages continue after reboot, log a call with your server support team.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

c9::500110a0008c72fa           med-changer  connected    configured   failed

Yes, typically I managed not to cover what to do in the state 'failed', there are many possibilities, as you will understand you can only cover some, hence my description of the most common.

Failed state looks to me like a library issue - there is a level of communication (you can see it) but it is not responding correctly.

I would recommend to speak with the hardware vendor and perhaps os support, but hardware vendor first.

This :

modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'))

should work, but for whatever reason is not working for you, so this is an explnation of what it should do.

It uses the modinfo command to get the instance number of the SG driver and ‘pastes’ this into the modunload command, which ‘stops’ the driver.

For example :

root@womble netbackup $ modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA"

189 7b7e0000   37a8 338   1  sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.7)

We only want the instance number (1st field) so the same command with the awk bit gives :

root@womble netbackup $ modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'


To unload this we could do :

modunload –i 189

But is you put a command inside $(   )  then it will use only the output of the command :

Easiest shown with echo ...

root@womble netbackup $ echo date


But use $() and it will not echo date, but will echo the output of date ...

root@womble netbackup $ echo $(date)

Fri Jan 4 12:08:03 GMT 2013

Hence ...

modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}')

So to do this manually, this command will give the instance number of the driver

modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'

This will unload it :

modunload –i <instance number >



Level 5

Hello. Been working on Marianne's suggestion to resolve 'condition' failed status - rebooted the server and power cycled the tape drive. No longer says 'condition failed':

    Ap_Id                                  Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
c8                                              fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c9                                             fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa,0         tape         connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa,1         med-changer  connected    configured   unknown
c10                                           fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c11                                           fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c11::500110a0008c7300,0        tape         connected    configured   unknown

However, in /var/adm/messages, I am getting this now:

Jan  9 15:03:12 nbolmasterback vmd[717]: [ID 617826 daemon.notice] ready for connections
Jan  9 15:03:22 nbolmasterback avrd[741]: [ID 748556 daemon.notice] st.conf configuration for HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000 (device 0), name [HP Ultrium LTO 4], vid [HP      Ultrium 4*], type 0x3b, block size 0, options 0x18619 (see st(7D) man page)Jan  9 15:03:45 nbolmasterback mac: [ID 736570] NOTICE: e1000g1 unregistered
Jan  9 15:03:45 nbolmasterback mac: [ID 736570] NOTICE: e1000g2 unregistered
Jan  9 15:03:45 nbolmasterback mac: [ID 736570] NOTICE: e1000g3 unregistered
Jan  9 15:03:58 nbolmasterback pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: devinfo0
Jan  9 15:03:58 nbolmasterback genunix: [ID 936769] devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
Jan  9 15:04:41 nbolmasterback pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: fcsm0
Jan  9 15:04:41 nbolmasterback genunix: [ID 936769] fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0
Jan  9 15:04:50 nbolmasterback scsi: [ID 799468] st1 at fp5: name w500110a0008c7300,0, bus address 2
Jan  9 15:04:50 nbolmasterback genunix: [ID 936769] st1 is /pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@a/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c7300,0
Jan  9 15:04:50 nbolmasterback scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@a/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c7300,0 (st1):
Jan  9 15:04:50 nbolmasterback  <HP Ultrium LTO 4>
Jan  9 15:04:50 nbolmasterback avrd[741]: [ID 990698 daemon.notice] st.conf configuration for HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.001 (device 1), name [HP Ultrium LTO 4], vid [HP      Ultrium 4*], type 0x3b, block size 0, options 0x18619 (see st(7D) man page)Jan  9 15:04:54 nbolmasterback tldcd[748]: [ID 295976 daemon.error] TLD(0) [748] robotic path /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1 does not exist
Jan  9 15:04:54 nbolmasterback last message repeated 1 time
Jan  9 15:04:54 nbolmasterback tldd[727]: [ID 795118 daemon.error] TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to open robotic path
Jan  9 15:06:56 nbolmasterback tldcd[748]: [ID 295976 daemon.error] TLD(0) [748] robotic path /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1 does not exist
Jan  9 15:06:56 nbolmasterback last message repeated 1 time
Jan  9 15:06:56 nbolmasterback tldd[727]: [ID 795118 daemon.error] TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to open robotic path
Jan  9 15:08:58 nbolmasterback tldcd[748]: [ID 295976 daemon.error] TLD(0) [748] robotic path /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1 does not exist
Jan  9 15:27:19 nbolmasterback sg: [ID 266374 kern.notice] Symantec SCSA Generic Revision: 3.7

I see the drive listed here, however, saying the robotic path doesn't exist is interesting. Again, I only started looking at the tape drive after a week of 2009 errors. After a software reboot, I am having these issues. How to reconfigure the path? Even though nothing changed, is this simply refreshing / reseting this?



Level 5

also, as an fyi


bash-3.00# ./sgscan
#WARNING: detected StorEdge Network Foundation connected devices not in
#         SG configuration file:
#    Device World Wide Port Name 500110a0008c7300
#    Device World Wide Port Name 500110a0008c72fa
#    See /usr/openv/volmgr/NetBackup_DeviceConfig_Guide.txt chapter
#    "Special configuration for "Sun StorEdge Network Foundation" HBA/Driver"
#    for information on how to use and sg.install to
#    configure these devices


I think I may just be stuck in land of confusion.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Now that OS can see devices, follow steps again to rebuild sg driver.

You need to follow steps in Emulex documentation to configure Persistent Binding to ensure that OS device names remain the same when server is rebooted.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Will probably need to delete the devices in nbu, readd with device wizard, then run an inventory to get the tapes back. Be sure to reapply any barcode and media generation rules. Best to check these before you delete. Other option is to use tpautoconf command to switch the robot path without deleting annything.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Will probably need to delete the devices in nbu, readd with device wizard, then run an inventory to get the tapes back. Be sure to reapply any barcode and media generation rules. Best to check these before you delete. Other option is to use tpautoconf command to switch the robot path without deleting annything.

Level 5



Just so I'm understanding things as I should...

 ls -l /dev/rmt/*cbn       
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          89 Jul 31  2008 /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@9/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c72fa,0:cbn
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          89 Jul 31  2008 /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@a/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c7300,0:cbN


c8                                              fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c9                                             fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa,0         tape         connected    configured   unknown
c9::500110a0008c72fa,1          med-changer  connected    configured   unknown
c10                                           fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
c11                                            fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
c11::500110a0008c7300,0        tape         connected    configured   unknown


The addresses are the same, and LUNs are provided in output now. However, in trying to follow the above steps, the first command is stopping me..(either Martin or Yasuhisa's won't work now)

bash-3.00# modunload -i `modinfo| awk '$6=="sg"{print $1}'`                  (yasuhisa's syntax)
usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]

bash-3.00# modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'))      (martin's syntax)
usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]


Also, Martin's tip of :

modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'

does not return anything - so no driver is installed? . Am I really just copying this stuff wrong?


I'm assuming that now that the OS is reporting tape / changer as being present, rebuilding would fix issue. What am I glossing over?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Try these steps:


# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all 

Install the new sg driver configuration:

# /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install

Check/verify config:

# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan


(I am aware that Martin's method is different, but this has always worked for me.)

Level 5

Marianne (and Martin / Yasuhisa),


I just wanted to say thanks for your wonderful help. The last tip got me all squared away, and I'm currently running duplication jobs. Hopefully you all know just how helpful you make this forum.

Until I screw something up again,
