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SQL ERROR 6, the backup failed to back up the requested files(6)

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Master server OS Win 2008 r 2

sql  OS           wIN 2003 R 2


I am taking Full  backups of SQL 13 databases and daily one of any data base backup failed with error ""the backup failed to back up the requested files(6)""

i have also enabled the logs

kindly find the attached bpcd and dbclient logs



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please show the following to your dba:


<32> CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTimes: ERR - No rows found in SQL request <SELECT replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_start_date,111),'/','') + replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_start_date,108),':',''), replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_finish_date,111),'/','') + replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_finish_date,108),':','') FROM msdb.dbo.backupset s inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON s.media_set_id = m.media_set_id WHERE s.database_name = 'Impt_tax' AND m.physical_device_name = 'VNBU0-3220-3668-1350390252' ORDER BY s.backup_finish_date>.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please show the following to your dba:


<32> CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTimes: ERR - No rows found in SQL request <SELECT replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_start_date,111),'/','') + replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_start_date,108),':',''), replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_finish_date,111),'/','') + replace(convert(varchar, s.backup_finish_date,108),':','') FROM msdb.dbo.backupset s inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON s.media_set_id = m.media_set_id WHERE s.database_name = 'Impt_tax' AND m.physical_device_name = 'VNBU0-3220-3668-1350390252' ORDER BY s.backup_finish_date>.

Level 1


I'm having a very similar situation: same OS, same NBU version, MSSQL 2005..  I'm backing up a SQL server in my London office, and on only 1 of the 8 or 10 databases on that server, and only twice a day out of 7 daily transaction log backups, I get the same error message (status 6) in my activity log and the same message in my dbclient log that you highlighted above. I am attaching an excerpt of my dbclient log.

I did show the relevant portion to my DBA, and this was his response: "It is executing a SQL statement to look for the start and end dates of backups of a particular database. In this case VMWare. The backup was going to the device named VNBU0-2972-1132-1350641025. That query returns results when executed against the LON-EU-SQL-03 server. In the log it says it returned no results. That could indicate that the backup never executed or that it was not complete. Either way, this all sounds like a NBU issue"

The first thing I'd like to clear up is, in my dbclient log a couple lines above this <32> message is the line: <16> CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTimes: ERR - Internal error.  See the dbclient log for more.

Of course, this IS the dbclient log, so this is either a classic circular reference or perhaps the <32> message is the fuller explanation?

The second thing I'd like to know is whether this CDBbackcat process is an NBU process, or an MSSQL process?

Let me thank you in advance for your help; I admire the work you do in these forums.



Not applicable
Employee Accredited


There is one script for all databases?

If yes, edit this script and running separately backup of failed DB. So you can view SQL logs more clear.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

There are known BUG with especially SQL . Get in touch with Support to get etrack

Also increase VDITIMEOUTS in backup scripts and let us know how it goes


Do confirm with SQL DBA there are no maintenance plans from SQL end (hourly backups etc)

this would break NBU SQL backup chain resulting your backup sets of unusable.

also check if dbbackex.exe are hung on clients (Do select show process from all users) ,

If it's in hung state kill them and recycle NBU services (including Symantec private branch exchange (PBX)

Deploy which includes etrack as well