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Sharepoint and SQL restore to different server

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi, my master server is NBU 7.0.1 on Windows 2008 r2. I have the following clients:

1. Sharepoint server A (sharepoint 2003 on Windows 2003 SP2, NBU 7.0.1);

2, Sharepoint server B (sharepoint 2007 on Windows 2003 R2 SP2, NBU 7.0.1);

Both sharepoint servers are standalone servers. I use Sharepoint agent to backup both servers.


3. SQL server A (SQL2000 on W2K SP4, NBU 6.5.6);

4. SQL server B (SQL2005 on Windows 2003 SP2, NBU 7.0.1).

Both SQL servers are standalone servers. I use SQL agent to backup the databases on both servers.


I want to do some restore tests but I do not want to touch the production servers. My question is:

1. Can I restore backup data of the Sharepoint servers to a test Sharepoint server?

2. Can I restore backup data of the SQL servers to a test SQL server?

I tried to do some research but seems there is no much info about restore to another server.




Level 5

2) You can restore backup data of SQL server to test server .

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Thanks for your replies. Can I restore transaction log to another client as well?

For Sharepoint, is it possbile to restore to another client? For sharepoint, currently my backup selection is Microsoft Sharepoint Resources:\. I do not use GRT.