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Sharepoint bkp to tape

Level 6

Hi all,

I have a policie in NBU to backup my Sharepoint, it only run if I make backup to disk storage unit, when I change to tape storage unit it shows me this message and finished with status 71.


"none of the files in the files list exist (71)

Master server NBU7.5.0.6 with OS windows 2008 R2

Sharepoint front end server and SQL server NBU client with OS windows 2012 R2

Can anybody help me?



Level 6

Check all the prerequisites since something else might have changed.  Maybe name resolution trouble between front end and media server. Does it work again if you switch back to the disk storage unit? 


Another possibility, see this technote for resolution:


Level 3

Greets Verneti,

Are you using GRT in the policy? I lifted this from the admin guide:

Disk storage units supported with SharePoint Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)

Granular information is only cataloged for a backup image that is made to a disk storage unit. A backup that is made directly to tape does not contain granular information. You can duplicate the image to tape, but you cannot directly back up to tape. If you configure backups to a disk storage unit, no further configuration is required. You can only perform restores of individual items using GRT if the backup resides on a disk storage unit. 

Good luck,

- Billy.

Level 6

Hi wr, thanks for your attention...

Yes, I switch back to execute it to disk storage unit and runn ok.

I´m not using GRT.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

No update in more than a week....

Please show us the Sharepoint policy/policies?

On master, run:

bppllist <policy-name> -L

Maybe also show the STUs that work and doesn't work?

bpstulist -L