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The working mechanism about tldd/tldcd

Level 6

1) Is the number of child tldcds determined by the job sessions, and it can exceed the current number of robots?
2) Why the tldd/tldcds cannot work as their own multi-threads, but as their corresponding child processes running?

For examples:

root@jcbak:/# ps -ef|grep tldcd
root 21862 24560 0 22:44 ? 00:00:00 tldcd -v
root 21905 24560 0 22:45 ? 00:00:00 tldcd -v
root 21923 24560 0 22:45 ? 00:00:00 tldcd -v
root 21924 24560 0 22:45 ? 00:00:00 tldcd -v
root 21925 24560 0 22:45 ? 00:00:00 tldcd -v
root 21927 23207 0 22:45 pts/26 00:00:00 grep tldcd
root 24560 1 0 Aug29 ? 00:38:20 tldcd -v
root@jcbak:/# tpconfig -l|grep -i robot
Device Robot Drive Robot Drive Device Second
robot 0 - TLD - - - - /dev/sg230
robot 1 - TLD - - - - /dev/sg231
robot 4 - TLD - - - - /dev/sg234


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Yes, I need to look to find an explanation for that - tldd is covered, not tldcd yet ....

Juding from the curent situation, we might get some tips for the tldcd/tldd processes regardless of their unknown internals!

1) The number of child tldcd processes should depend on all of the bptm requests from the backup jobs even with one robot.
Notes: I have test the bpbackup during the robtest running, and the job just only suspended mounting media without any errors or warnings.
Then after I quit the robest, the job continued successfully! This phenomenon also explain that one robot can have multiple tldcds at the same time,  but in fact there would be only one tldcd running while others waiting,  so they must work serially!

2) The number of child tldd processes should depend on all of the opening TDs from the backup jobs.
Notes: normally there should be only one child tldd process corresponding to one TD at one time!
So I wonder the test backup job which you had done should use many TDs (impossible for only one TD)?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Apologies, I've not forgotten this  (need to look at tldcd) I've just not had ay time as it's very busy at the moment.

Hopefully I'll get a few mins to look next week.