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Tru64Unix dropped in Netbackup 7

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified
There is no Netbackup version 7 client for Tru64Unix.

Our company is still using a lot of Tru64Unix. We are running all our Oracle databases on this platform. Since it's unclear in which direction Oracle is going (Linux or Solaris, now that they bought Sun), we haven't decided yet with what platform we will replace our Alpha's.
I know that for now we can use the 6.5 client to backup Tru64Unix. But we will have this platform for at least 3 years. The next major release of Netbackup will be there sooner and we will not be able to upgrade because of the lack of a version 7 client for Tru64Unix.

If there are more companies in this situation, please respond on this threath, so we can convince Symantec to release the Netbackup version 7 client for Tru64Unix. 
It shouldn't be such an effort for Symantec because the client was there in the beta and it was working without problems.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Hi Peter
I have learned over the last 11 years working with Veritas/Symantec products that O/S support is only dropped if the hardware vendor has dropped support for the particular O/S.
The 6.5 compatibility guide containted the following warning:
Next major release following NetBackup 6.x will not support Master or Media servers. Back level support of NetBackup 6.x clients will be available until NetBackup 6.x reaches end of support.

We have pointed out this fact to our Tru64 customers when 6.5 was released - one customer has already migrated most  Oracle databases to Linux servers and another customer to HP-UX and AIX.
Use this 'show-stopper' as motivation to choose a new O/S... besides, we have learned that in the IT industry 'the only constant is change'.

Not applicable
Our experience as a TRU64 shop.
Up until recently our company was using soley Alphaservers and TRU64 UNIX for Master and Media Servers for NetBackup, with Windows clients.
With the impending end of life support of both Alphaserver and applications on TRU64 - BTW we use SAP/Oracle and Oracle DBMS we made a decision to move our Master Server and introduce some Media Servers to the natural next OS HP-UX on Itanium - still with HP, as we have been a DEC/Compaq/HP through the years. However, we came to realise that HP-UX and it clustering options and file-system options were no match for TRU64s built in options, and the cost of these replacements (licensing) were quite large. Thereafter, we have decided on the LINUX path using SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server on X86 hardware. This has significantly reduced capital spend on our hardware refresh. We have replaced a HP-UX Master server on Itanium with a Proliant running SLES. We have got rid of our HP-UX boxes and still retain our older TRU64 media servers running NetBackup 6.5.

We are in an exit strategy to move fully to SLES. However, I dont think i will be moving to NetBackup 7.0 until maybe there is an End Of Life for NB 6.5 reached, but by that time we will be off TRU64.

Agree with Marianne that you should start to decide on  your new OS.

Removing support for TRU64 is probably following the vendor's/industry's shift/exit from TRU64 as you will no doubt have started to experience other application support on the platform being stopped.

Here is the EOL statement for NetBackup 6.5, looks like your strategy for exiting could be on target or needs to be brought forward by some months as August 2012 is mention as the start for End Of Support for NB 6.5.