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Unable to Open the Jobs Details in from the Activity Monitor only for the Failed and completed jobs

Level 2

Hello All,

I am facing the issue in Netbackup 8.1.1

I am unable to Open the Jobs Details from the Activity Monitor only for the Failed and Completed jobs.

But for running jobs, there is no issue. We are able to open the details of the job.

We have restarted the Netbackup Services as well but no luck.

Looking for support on this issue.






   VIP    Certified


are you able to see these details from CLI by running this

bpdbjobs -jobid xxx -all_columns


   VIP    Certified

Are you trying to view this details via cli or on the GUI? 

Are you running 8.1.1 adminisration console? If not, please ensure you are runing same version.

Do you have opscenter analytic? You are can also view similar details there. 

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Try to use the article and check if related trylog is present and readable

Hi Mike /All,

Thanks for the suggestion!

As I checked in trylogs ,we are able to see the completion & Failed job details but unable to view from Activity monitor GUI.

We have taken the below Action to Resolve this but no luck.

  1. Restart the Netbackup services.
  2. Disabled Antivirus Services
  3. Install Java Netbackup console Another host and connected to Master Server but the same issue.
  4. Create a new login account and login through that account but again the same problem.



trylogs]# more 1279396.t

Try 1

LOG 1589263423 4 nbjm 3014 starting backup job (jobid=1279396) for client VTMFVC01, policy TMF_NMD_INFRA_BACKUP-PL1, schedul

e Daily_Backup_Incr

ESTIMATED_KBYTES 1589263423 118653370

LOG 1589263423 4 nbjm 3014 started backup (backupid=VTMFVC01_1589263423) job for client VTMFVC01, policy TMF_NMD_INFRA_BACKU

P-PL1, schedule Daily_Backup_Incr on storage unit stu_disk_nmd1bkpme01 using backup host nmd1bkpme01

PROCESS 1589263424 314600 bpbrm

LOG 1589263424 4 bpbrm 314600 VTMFVC01 is the host to backup data from

LOG 1589263424 4 bpbrm 314600 reading file list for client

LOG 1589263425 4 bpbrm 314600 accelerator enabled

LOG 1589263426 4 bpbrm 314600 starting bpbkar on client

LOG 1589263426 4 bpbkar 314635 Backup started

LOG 1589263426 4 bpbrm 314600 bptm pid: 314638

CONNECT 1589263425

CONNECTED 1589263426

LOG 1589263426 4 bptm 314638 start

LOG 1589263446 4 bptm 314638 using 1048576 data buffer size

LOG 1589263446 4 bptm 314638 using 512 data buffers

LOG 1589263447 4 bptm 314638 start backup

LOG 1589263448 4 bpbkar 314635 INF - Backing up vCenter server VTMFVC01.tmffinfra.local, ESX host ptmfnmdesx22.tmffinfra.loc

al, BIOS UUID 564d3cba-18fe-1cc4-c556-60c61d974b93, Instance UUID 524d8728-e2d6-d6ee-e6cd-c6788ae6376d, Display Name VTMFVC0


BEGIN_WRITING 1589263450

LOG 1589264040 4 bpbkar 314635 INF - Transport Type =  nbd

LOG 1589265034 4 bpbkar 314635 accelerator sent 12321747456 bytes out of 101262054400 bytes to server, optimization 87.8%

LOG 1589265034 4 bpbkar 314635 bpbkar waited 1020 times for empty buffer, delayed 193320 times

LOG 1589265034 4 bptm 314638 waited for full buffer 1973 times, delayed 47588 times

LOG 1589265049 4 bptm 314638 EXITING with status 0 <----------

LOG 1589265049 4 nmd1bkpme01 314638 StorageServer=PureDisk:nmd1bkpme01; Report=PDDO Stats for (nmd1bkpme01): scanned: 988917

58 KB, CR sent: 3858829 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 96.1%, cache disabled

LOG 1589265049 4 bpbrm 314600 validating image for client VTMFVC01

LOG 1589265049 4 bpbkar 314635 done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed

END_WRITING 1589265049

Started 1589263423

KbPerSec 65713

Kilobytes 98888728

Files 2547

ActivePid 314600

Status 0

DestStorageUnit stu_disk_nmd1bkpme01

DestMediaServer nmd1bkpme01

Transport 0

Ended 1589265050


Yes from Commandline , i am able to see the completed jobs details:

1283018,4,3,0,SLP_SLP_Daily_NMD_PL2,5am_to_9am,nmd1bkpma01,rueh1bkpme01,1589511621,0000001429,1589513050,stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,1,,51200000,,,8,28219,root,,,,99,,nmd1bkpma01,,,,0,0,1,FRVLU1SVAS108_1589488301,1,28219,stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,rueh1bkpme01,1589511622,0000001428,1589513050,0,the requested operation was successfully completed,51,05/15/2020 05:00:23 - begin Replication operation,05/15/2020 05:00:21 - requesting resource LCM_stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:00:22 - granted resource LCM_stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:00:22 - started process RUNCMD (28219),05/15/2020 05:00:23 - ended process 0 (28219),05/15/2020 05:00:26 - requesting resource stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:00:26 - reserving resource @aaaae,05/15/2020 05:00:32 - waiting for resources - Reason: Maximum I/O stream count has been reached for the disk volume Media Server: rueh1bkpme01 Robot: Standalone(-1) Storage Unit: stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - Info Duplicate(pid=28219) Initiating optimized duplication from @aaaae to @aaaak,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - Info bpduplicate(pid=28219) Suspend window close behavior is not supported for optimized duplications,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - Info bpduplicate(pid=28219) window close behavior: Continue processing the current image,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - reserved resource @aaaae,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaak;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_rueh1bkpme01;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=rueh1bkpme01;MediaServer=rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - granted resource stu_disk_rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - requesting resource @aaaae,05/15/2020 05:18:39 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaae;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_nmd1bkpme01;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=nmd1bkpme01;MediaServer=rueh1bkpme01,05/15/2020 05:15:51 - Info bpdm(pid=6917) started,05/15/2020 05:15:51 - started process bpdm (6917),05/15/2020 05:15:51 - Info bpdm(pid=6917) requesting nbjm for media,05/15/2020 05:16:08 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:08 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:10 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:10 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:11 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:11 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:12 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:12 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:13 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:13 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:13 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:13 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:17 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:17 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:17 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:17 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:18 - end writing; write time: 000:00:00,05/15/2020 05:16:19 - begin writing,05/15/2020 05:16:19



Maybe you want tot take a look at these :

also check logs :

Check the bpjava-msvc log files found in:

/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpjava-msvc   ( Linux/Unix )

install-path\netbackup\logs\bpjava-msvc   ( Windows )


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What console do you use? Windows Java GUI or jnbSA + ssh X forwarding?