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Upgradeing my NETBACKUP from 7.1.03 to 7.5 &

Level 5


Kind of a novice with NBU so please bare with me...  We have 3 Sun Solaris10 servers and 2 Windows 2008 servers.  1 of the 3 Sun Solaris servers is our Master/Media server and the other 2 Sun solaris servers and the windows servers are Clients.  I was able to upgrade the 1 Solaris server which is our Master/Media server to the 7.5 version and then to the version.  Everything was successful.  I used the follwong base product NBU file to do my upgrade from to 7.5 --> NetBackup_7.5_Solaris_Sparc64.tar.gz...  

When trying to upgrade my Sun Solaris10 Clients (the other 2 Sun servers) I downloaded the following file(s)

NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS_tar-gz.1of3  UNIX Clients [split]

NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS_tar-gz.2of3  UNIX Clients [split]

NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS_tar-gz.2of3  UNIX Clients [split]

I used the Cat command to merge the three files into one and I have the following  file --> NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz

Now Im not even sure if the 3 files above are the correct files to use for Sun Solaris?  Are They...???  Its states that they are for UNIX clients so I tried to use it and i didnt get to far.   I was able to umcompress and extract the files.  But I didnt see any install script for Solaris??  When I looked at ReadMe file again I noticed that the downloaded file(NetBackup_7.5_Solaris_Sparc64.tar.gz) that I used to upgrade our Master/Media Sun Solaris server states that it is for Sparc64 Server/Clients.  So Im confused on what file or files I need to be using for upgradeing my Sun Solaris Unix server.???  Can anybody shed any light on this for me.  





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Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Sorry if I confused you by referring to Windows master. I perfectly understood that your master is Solaris.

The LONG way (top part of my post) can be used with any installation (no matter what type of master), but there is no need, since your Solaris clients are same OS as master.  Using the l-o-n-g way, you need to gunzip the NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz file, then use gtar to extract. See TECH154080 for details (link above).

The quick and easy way:
The updated client binaries are already installed on the master. You can simply upgrade the clients by using update_clients command on the master.


Examples on how to use the update_clients script




Frequently Asked Questions about NetBackup update_clients script.


Hope this helps?



View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

There are 2 ways to upgrade clients:

Extract the Client Software that you have downloaded (see for instructions to use 'gtar' to extract the software) and install on each client. 
You will find 'install' binary in top level of extracted software. This package includes client software for all supported Unix/Linux 'flavours'.
After base install of 7.5, upgrade to using the same Clients patch that you also used on the master server.

The above method is the only way to upgrade Unix Clients if you have a Windows master.

Now here is the good news:

The updated client software already exists on the master. You can simply push-install updated binaries using update_clients command on the master.

Without any switches, the command will find all client names in the policies and push updated software to the Solaris clients. It will skip the Windows clients as only Unix/Linux clients can be updated this way.

Level 5

sorry about the confusion but I thought I mentioned that our MASTER / MEDIA Server is a SUN SOLARIS 10 UNIX server and not windows server as you mentioned.  We have a few window servers but they are clients also.  Our Master is a Solaris 10 server.  So can you explain what file to use again?  I need to be using Gtar and not tar?


Thanks so much


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Sorry if I confused you by referring to Windows master. I perfectly understood that your master is Solaris.

The LONG way (top part of my post) can be used with any installation (no matter what type of master), but there is no need, since your Solaris clients are same OS as master.  Using the l-o-n-g way, you need to gunzip the NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz file, then use gtar to extract. See TECH154080 for details (link above).

The quick and easy way:
The updated client binaries are already installed on the master. You can simply upgrade the clients by using update_clients command on the master.


Examples on how to use the update_clients script




Frequently Asked Questions about NetBackup update_clients script.


Hope this helps?



Level 5

Thanks Marianne - Im going to attempt the upgrade now on the solaris clients.  Will let you know how it went.  Thanks so much for your input.



Level 5


well unfortunately i was not successful.  I tried both the Long Way and the Easy way and both failed on me.  Even though we have 2 Solaris Clients I was only trying to do only one to make sure I could get it to work.  In regard to the long way this is what I got as a result.


I executed the Install script from the command line.  Got the message about reviewing the license Agreement etc...  From this its ask me if I wish to continue?  I said yes.

Get the message .. Netbackup installs to the running root environment, by default.  Are you installing to the running root enviroment? [y,n]... I said Yes..

File /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmps is not found.  Aborting...  Cannot upgrade when Netbackup or media manager processes are running.  Was not successful in terminating Netbackup or media manager processes.







When i tried the EASY WAY it was unsuccesful also.  I had a feeling since the long way didnt work that the easy way probably wouldnt also.  But I tried it anyways.  I created a /tmp/cfile (from the bblclients command).  I modified it to only reflect the one client that I was trying to upgrade. 

I ran the following command

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients -ClientList /tmp/cfile

got the following...

Do you want the bp.conf file on the client updated to list this server as the master server?[y,n]

I selected "no"... Even though default said "yes"...   What should i have selected here????????????..

Then get the following..

Do you want to upgrade clients now..?  I said yes.

Updateing client Galaxy -- Solaris hardware running solaris10

Galaxy: update failed, see /tmp/update_clients.07-18-1145.13848

Well the update_clients.07-18-1145.13848 file had the following..

Galaxy Solaris/Solaris10...

CLIENT_CMD_SOCK from bpcd =4

CLIENT_STAT_SOCK from bpcd  = 5

BPCD connected

Abandoning update of client galaxy.

Mixed version server/client binaries on a single host are not supported.


thanks Brian


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Mixed version server/client binaries on a single host are not supported.

update_clients found Server binaries on the client.

From the first attempt, it seems as if you tried to install server software. I have only ever seen the following when NBU Server software is installed:

Netbackup installs to the running root environment, by default.  Are you installing to the running root enviroment? [y,n]...

Did you extract NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz (Client software) and NetBackup_7.5_Solaris_Sparc64.tar.gz (Server software) into the same or separate folders?

To clean up Server software, we need to see what is installed on the client.

Please post output of:

pkginfo |grep -i symc




Level 5

Probably in the same folder... ??


pkginfo | grep -i symc

application SYMCnbclt      Netbackup Client

application SYMCnbjava   Netbackup Java Console

application SYMCnbjre      Netbackup Java JRE

application SYMCnetbp     Netbackup and Media Manager

application SYMCpddea    PDDE Agent


Im taking that the "Netbackup and media manager" should not be part of a cient machine??

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I do not have access to a Solaris NBU client to compare, but if I look at the uninstall section in NetBackup Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux (p. 106 onwards), we see the following packages listed under Server packages:

manual does not list SYMCpddea, but it is definitely a Server package.

Install guide seems to list SYMCnbclt as the only client package.

Safest will probably to remove all packages and start from scratch.

Remove all extracted software from client.
Extract NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz.

Run a fresh install, followed by patch install.

For the remaining client, try update_clients.
You can say 'no' to this question (Master will already be listed as 1st SERVER entry in bp.conf):

Do you want the bp.conf file on the client updated to list this server as the master server?[y,n]




Level 5

I first just want to say thank you so much for trying to assist me and help me..  You are probably saying to yourself that this guy doesnt have a clue.  LOL...


Well back to my issue...

I did do the update_clients script on the remaining last Solaris10 server and it worked great and reflects version. 


Now the other Solaris10 client server that isnt working for me and you think I need to do a remove all packages and fresh install.  I did run the NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz process again on this server.  It was a fresh download from the symantec file connect website.  I did notice that my lastest download was a little bit larger in size than my original  Netbackup_7.5_CLIENTS.tar.gz file that i was working with before.   So i'm thinking that the origal file i was working with before wasnt 100% valid.  After gunzip and gtar of the netbackup_7.5_clients.tar.gz file i went ahead and did the install again and it actually finished successfully.  But I still beleive it is screwed up because when I do a /etc/init.d/netbackup start for the NBU processes I get some error messages.... Also my MASTER/MEDIA server is still showing this problem server as having version  So maybe I do need to uninstall  and reinstall. 

But I do want to point out that i did the pkginfo | grep -i symc on the solaris10 client server that did update successfully.  This is what i got.

SYMCnbclt Netbackup Client

SYMCnbjava Netbackup java console

SYMCnbjre Netbackup Java JRE

SYMCpddea Symantec Deduplication agent

So there is a difference in the packages on the 2 clients.  Although the client that was just updated successfully also has the SYMCPddea package but refers to it as the Deduplication agent as when I sent you my results of the "sym*" packages for the server giving me the problems it also showed the SYMCpddea package but refered to it as the PDDE agent.  ----


I guess i will try to remove it and do the install.  But when I do the install to I need to start back at Netback up client 7.0 where we initally started and upgrade from there.???  Or can I just run the NBU client 7.5 install script???

Thanks again for all of your time and patience with me.   





Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


It does sound like a server or client was already installed based on the packages shown and the media manager part indicates it believes it is a server.

Did this have anything on it before? i.e. was this alreay at V7.0 or 7.1?

I get the feeling it was as this is looking like an upgrade.

If it was a server and you do a package remove it will usually ask if you are doing it as part of an upgrade - so you have the chance to say yes and keep any configursation setting which then get picked up when you do the later version installation

If you say no you canhave a clean start - just depends what this server did previosuly - if it was just a client and not a SAN Media Server or Media Server then it is probably best to do a package remove and say it is not part of an upgrade to get a clean start

Just have a look to see if it has a bp,conf file for clues about its currnet setup (/usr.openv/netbackup/)

Hope this helps

Level 5

Well I just totally removed Netback Backup successfully from my screwed up client server.  Now I need to do a fresh install from scratch with the Client software. 

Now we originally started with 7.0 and then upgraded to

Do I have to start back with 7.0 and work up to the 7.5 &  or can I just do an install with the 7.5 client software?????




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Just install 7.5 software, followed by

Good luck!


Level 5

Well I'm finally back to normal with the latest NBU... Thanks so much for all ur assistance marianne..



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Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

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