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Using BPSETCONFIG through Windows Command Line

Level 6
I need to change the value for NBRB_MPX_GROUP_UNLOAD_DELAY.  The documentation mentions using a file, but can this be done through a Windows CLI?  If so, could someone provide a description of the format?

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NetBackup v6.0 configuration settings are stored in three/four/more areas:
EMM database
touch/value files (in varying folder paths)
The some "touch/value" files are "touch" files, and some are "value" files.
A "touch" file, has no contents (is empty) and simply acts a "flag" - the presence/existence of the file indicates something.  These files reside is different folder(s) specific to their purpose - so some touch files will live in the /bin folder, some in the /db folder, others in the /volmgr, etc etc.
"value" files have the same concept, i.e. the existence of them means something, and they can reside in different folders too.  However, these files are not normally empty.  When used they usually contain, on just one line, a numerical value of some sort.
Contrast this type of configuration control with "bp.conf" and "vm.conf" which both use "KEYWORD = value", and that some "KEYWORD"s can appear multiple times, indicating multiple values.  N.B. Windows master, media, admin console and clients do NOT have a "bp.conf" file, although master and media servers do have a "vm.conf" file.  All "bp.conf" type configuration is stored in the Windows registry.
The command line tools "bpgetconfig" and "bpsetconfig" can be used to read and modify only the settings in "bp.conf" file for any NetBackup machine.  Although Windows based NetBackup machines do not have a physical "bp.conf" files, these two command line tools can still be used to read and modify the registry values on Windows machines.  These command line tools do NOT control entries in "vm.conf" nor can they be used to control any "touch" or "value" file - and they cannot be used to control configuration items stored in the EMM database.
One thing to note about "bpgetconfig -M <name" is that this command is only meant to be used with master servers - i.e. it is only supported for use with master servers.  However, I've never had a problem using it with media servers, admin consoles and clients.  Also note that "bpgetconfig" will return the default value of configuration items even if they are not specified/present in a machines "bp.conf" file or registry.  Also, that bpgetconfig will return names and values of configuration items that aren't even relevant to a machines "level" - i.e. if you query a "client" for a setting that is only relevant for a master server, then that setting is still returned/displayed by bpgetconfig even though it has no baring whatsoever on a client.
It's been a while since I used v6.0 - but there are built in command line tools to query and modify configuration items stored in the EMM.  Maybe someone will post a few examples.
P.S. be careful with "bpsetconfig" - you can break things quite easily and spectacularly if you were, for example, to send an entire config of a client to a master or media server.

Level 6
Wonderful explanation about the "touch/value" files.  That explains why adding NOHSM and others enhances or degrades performance.
I am going to think long and hard before using BPSETCONFIG.  At this stage, I am already having enough fun.
Many thanks!