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VM Snapshot speed issues

Level 4

Hi Guys,

I've currenty got a policy doing a snapshot backup over NBD, which is backing up to disk and tape at the same time. The problem i'm having is with the write speed. I'm lucky if it gets to 1000 KBps it usually averages at about 700KBps. Quiesce backup is enabled and VMware tools is installed on the VMs.

Can anybody help?

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified
You did not mention any versions, but as a start try writting only to tape or to disk.


Not applicable
What size the VM? I got speed tail off dramatically when the VM was bigger than 50GB or specifically the vmdk was.

There is the monolithic option in 6.5.4 (via EEB but upgrade to 6.5.5 proper) to split VM into 2GB chunks. This showed major increase in speed (via SAN); this option could help you.

Level 4
Hi sorry, We're using Netbackup 7 and ESX with vSphere4  for the VM.

Thanks, i'll try those options. We are unable to use SAN at the moment, but we will in the next few months

Level 4
The size of each VM is about 50Gb.

Level 4

OK i've tried all of the Above and sadly it made no affect on the speed.

Every other client thats backed up is fine. Its just the VM.