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When to add a media server?

Level 5

Hi all,

I'm after some advice.

I have 1 Master Server (which is also the Media Server) running W2K8 64-Bit with SCSI attached HP MSL4048 2 drive library.

Everyting is running fine right now on version 7.1 however I have circa 3TB coming my way from a remote site which is to be deployed at my current site effectively increasing my data to be backed up by 40%.

Now do I add an additional MSL4048 to the Master Server or add an additional Media Server & attach the library to that server?

Any tech notes, articles or advice welcome...

Many thanks.


Level 6
Employee Certified

It really depends if your master server can handle it. Also if it comes in from a remote site... maybe you want to setup a media server on the remote site instead of pushing it over the WAN.

Level 5

Are there any guidelines in terms of maximizing a Master Server?

The data is coming to me (on the same site as my existing data & Master Server) due to a remote site closing down so the backuop will run over the LAN.

Level 6
Employee Certified

Are there any guidelines in terms of maximizing a Master Server?

=> not really. It is a design choice, which you have to make.

Level 6

If you are using MSDP (dedup option) for your backup, it is recommended to deploy a new media server and enable MSDP pool on it, rather than having it on the master server.

Otherwise, whether to deploy a new media server or let everything stay in master server, will depend on how your current load of the master server. In terms of storage size, I think a master server can handle the +3 TB, but if the number of clients are getting many more, then having additional media server is better.

Level 6

There is a NBU TUning and sizing guide you can read up on..  It will tell you how much RAM and CPU you need, and possibly IOP's.  From there, you can see where you fall into place.

If you are going to use ANY off the new dedupe features, I would recommend you stand up a new Media server.

Level 5

All thanks for your advice.

As I'm not using dedup & I have only added 2-3 more clients I deceided to add the tape library to my existing Master\Media Server & all appears good for now.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Just keep an eye on throughput and load on master server. When you see that the master server is 'battling' to keep up, backup windows can no longer be met, etc, then you will know it's time to add a media server, and probably another tape drive or two...

There are some good calculation examples in the Planning and Performance Guide