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Why Windows client backup not including sub-directories

Level 3
Hello,  This is my first message.  I have an AIX Netbackup server running version 5.1 MP6.  I had the Netbackup client software installed on a Windows XP PC.  I setup a policy to backup the Windows XP client.  The backup is not cascading from the top directory, listed in backup selections, down thru all the sub-directories.  The backup is only for the top directory.  I have looked at the exclude list and it shows only the default exclude directories/files.  Any ideas???  Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

Level 6
Check cross-mount-points on the policy attributes tab.

Level 3
Do you know if you have "cross mount points" enabled in the policy configuration?

Level 3
I checked the policy attribute for cross mount points and it is NOT checked.  Now what????

Level 3
Check it, run another backup and your files should be there.

Level 3
Thank you for the suggestion.  I tried checking the 'cross mount points' - ran another backup and it is doing the same.  It backs up the top level directory and nothing below it.

Level 6
please post output from the commandline
bppllist <policyname> -U
remember to rename the servers and clients listed in the output to pretend names prior to posting.
you will find the command in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd directory

Message Edited by Bob Stump on 06-27-200706:08 PM

Level 3
Ok, here is the output for your request.  Hope it helps.

Policy Name:       clientpolicyname

 Policy Type:         MS-Windows-NT
 Active:              yes
 Effective date:      09/15/2005 15:30:18
 Backup network drvs: no
 Collect TIR info:    no
 Mult. Data Streams:  no
 Client Encrypt:      no
 Checkpoint:          no
 Policy Priority:     0
 Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
 Disaster Recovery:   0
 Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
 Volume Pool:         WIN_NT
 Keyword:             (none specified)

HW/OS/Client:  PC            WindowsXP     clienthostname

 Include:  c:\tmp

 Schedule:          monthly
   Type:            Full Backup
   Frequency:       every 28 days
   Maximum MPX:     6
   Synthetic:       0
   PFI Recovery:    0
   Retention Level: 8 (1 year)
   Number Copies:   1
   Fail on Error:   0
   Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
   Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
   Daily Windows:
         Saturday   12:00:00  -->  Sunday     07:00:00

 Schedule:          weekly
   Type:            Cumulative Incremental Backup
   Frequency:       every 1 day
   Maximum MPX:     6
   Synthetic:       0
   PFI Recovery:    0
   Retention Level: 4 (2 months)
   Number Copies:   1
   Fail on Error:   0
   Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
   Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
   Daily Windows:
         Friday     23:00:00  -->  Saturday   07:00:00

 Schedule:          daily
   Type:            Differential Incremental Backup
   Frequency:       every 1 day
   Maximum MPX:     6
   Synthetic:       0
   PFI Recovery:    0
   Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
   Number Copies:   1
   Fail on Error:   0
   Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
   Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
   Daily Windows:
         Monday     23:00:00  -->  Tuesday    09:00:00
         Tuesday    23:00:00  -->  Wednesday  09:00:00
         Wednesday  23:00:00  -->  Thursday   09:00:00
         Thursday   23:00:00  -->  Friday     09:00:00


Level 6
This is the problem
Include:  c:\tmp
First try changing it to C:\tmp\
if that don't work then try

Message Edited by Bob Stump on 06-27-200707:11 PM

Level 3
Bob - I have tried all combinations as you suggested.  Below are the results.  The activity monitor lines show 1 file being backed up which is just the c:\tmp directory.  Nothing below that high level directory gets backed up.



This test was done on:   /C/tmp/

129800  Done     Backup 0          policy name        monthly servername            6/28/2007 9:21:33 AM    6/28/2007 9:28:17 AM       4          1          0



This test was done on:   C:\tmp\

129799  Done     Backup 0          policy name        monthly servername            6/28/2007 8:32:34 AM    6/28/2007 8:39:56 AM       4          1          0



This test was done on:   c:\tmp\

129798  Done     Backup 0          policy name        monthly servername            6/28/2007 8:20:39 AM    6/28/2007 8:29:15 AM       4          1          0


 I did try including another directory in a test yesterday - c:\Program Files - and that directory and everything under it backed up just like its suppose to.  So, now I am thinking that there is something wrong with the actual directory of   c:\tmp.   I am talking with our User Support team and will look at the users system rather than an actual problem with Netbackup. 

In the meantime, if you see anything else or have any more ideas, I will gladly try any combination at this point just to get his system backed up.

Thanks for all you help and suggestions so far.  They have been great ideas.   Patty


Level 4

1)  did you verify with the Restore window ?
2) try this combination c:\tmp\*.*


Level 3
I have verified in the Restore window that the backups are only for c:\tmp and nothing below it.
I just tried another test with - c:\tmp\*.* - and got the same results, just the top directory only.
Thanks for the suggestion.  Keep them coming.

Level 6
stop playing around with the tmp folder and use a for real folder

Level 3
The c:\tmp directory on our PC's is a for REAL directory.  Due to security policies in place, it is the ONLY directory where users are allowed to write/store their data/files.  That is why it is necessary that I be able to backup their data in the c:\tmp directory.  Sorry for your frustration, you ought to try it on this end.

Level 6
I simply meant to try it first on another folder. There may be something setup on that particular folder. Find a working model and then find out what is different with the C:\tmp folder. It sounds like there must be something setup special on the "troubled" folder. Run a "proof of concept" and then come back to c:\tmp
I didn't mean to scap the whole thing :)

Level 3
SORRY ! ! ! ! !  Didn't mean to snap at you.
History:  I first created the policy by using another working policy and copying the working policy to a new policy.  Then just changed the client name in the new policy.  Everything else stayed the same - schedule, backup selections and attributes.  Now I have a new policy created.  Even though it doesn't work correctly. 
Next:  before I created this message board question, I did try deleting the policy and creating a new one from another good working policy.  That didn't work either.
I have tried all of your suggestions and the ones from others who have also posted ideas.  I don't know if you see all the messages or just the ones that I reply back to you.
Next:  I did try using the same policy yesterday and included         c:\Program Files         in the backup selection list.  Needless to say, this worked.  So. I know that I can get a backup of other folders on his system, just having trouble with c:\tmp
My next idea is to work with my User Support staff who has admin rights on the PC and move his current c:\tmp folder to c:\tmp-orig.  Then re-create a brand new fresh folder named c:\tmp with all the appropriate permissions.  Populate this new folder with some files and try a backup.  I am hoping that there is something corrupt with his current c:\tmp or the sub-folders/files that prevents it from being backed up. 
Does this sound reasonable to you.  I am at the point that I don't really think it is a Netbackup issue.  I think there is something wrong with the c:\tmp folder on his PC.
Thanks again and sorry for my frustration.   Slim

Level 6
"...I am hoping that there is something corrupt with his current c:\tmp or the sub-folders/files that prevents it from being backed up... "
That is exactly why I suggested using another target folder. Sometimes I forget that others can't read my mind....but you did! I think you hve a good plan of action.

Level 3
THANKS ! ! ! !
I will be trying the change to his system next week.  I will let you know if the change works and that I can or cannot get backups of his new c:\tmp folder.
Thanks again for responding so quickly and helping.
Hope you have a great weekend and a Happy 4th of July.  Talk to you next week.

Level 6
you can also try to use the same policy with a different client, that will totaly exclude if there is an issue with NBU or if it is particulary with this box.

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Hi Slim, did you ever get a solution or explanation from support?