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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Resolved! Add additional master server

Our current Netbackup Master Server is Windows 2003 x86 running Netbackup To be able to upgrade Netbackup we need to go to a 64 bit OS so we purchased a new physical server to replace the current master server. I found the following instruct...

Resolved! Full data not getting backed up

Hi All, Master/Media : Solaris 10 / NBU Client : W2K8 / NBU Issue : Full data not getting backed up while perfomring full backup. Checks : checked policy/schedule, exclude status on backup server / Client. Data Size on server for...

NBU2010 by Level 6
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Resolved! What is the command to refresh the tape library?

Hi, When tapes are loaded in the library, few tapes are automatically moving to "Unintialed" volume pool. We'll move those tapes to "Scratch" pool through the console. I've written following script to move the tapes from "Unitialed" to Scratch pool...

Resolved! Backup getting failed with error 59

Backup getting failed with error 59 from a particular media server while from  rest of media servers backups are fine.   Client's bp.conf entry:   [!]e3015382: cat bp.conf SERVER = SERVER = mkefislnbums02-bkup.fnfi...

Resolved! Duplication job going to wrong media server

We currently have: Netbackup Master Server Windows 2003   Netbackup Media Server Red Hat Linux 2.6.9   2 Unit tape Robot   Both the master and media server have access to the robot and the 2 tape units. Also the Red Hat media...

can't connect on socket

Backup started Sat Dec 27 12:49:44 2014 12:50:29 Initiating backup 12:55:34 INF - Server status = 25 12:57:22 INF - Backup by oracle on client bumisty3 using policy bucyclone_ORACLE _sdblive, sched Weekly_Full_Offline:cannot connect on socket ...

Resolved! Backups failing with 84 when writting on DataDomain

Hi,   We have a setup of OS : Linux, DD : dd990, NBU : When running backups on DD, we are getting failures randomly with below given error in bptmlogs 00:03:26.018 [81353] <16> 5718:bptm:81353:pilo01117.pilo.pvt: [13DC9:BE73D0] vrapid_nfs...

ekakshari by Not applicable
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Resolved! can't connect to client

log file entry:     bash-3.2# more  8993.0.1419732293 Backup started Sun Dec 28 02:18:49 2014 02:21:57 Initiating backup 02:24:23 INF - Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server bucyclone 02:26:57 INF - Waiting in NetBackup schedul...

Resolved! Master server doesn't expire some tapes

Hello, I have a master server with Netbackup version. Some of tapes from my ACS(2) robot didn't expire daily. Image Cleanup jobs run daily successfully with status 0 but tapes stay only with media status FULL and "data expiration" over the...

Netbackup Partial recovery

I did partial recovery of catalog, during this is I opted yes for recovering policy data. now when recovery has completed, I can see the polcies & images of soruce domain in target domain under ../db/images & ../db/class. how ever I am not able to ...

NBU35 by Level 6
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Resolved! should i eject an active status media?

NBU   i have a media with an "Active" status. it contains the golden copy of a server PLUS backups of some other servers. since i want to keep this golden copy aside, should i eject this media? if so, what would happen to the other backups...

manatee by Level 6
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Resolved! Compressing old netbackup catalog images

I''m running NetBackup 7.6 envrionment. I would like to compress old images let say clients that were backedup before 90 days. I had enabled this in master server properties and restarted NBU.   Our catalog size is 300GB and we get very less restor...

DPO by Level 6
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Resolved! Symantec Netbackup - Restore at different site

We have two version of Symantec net backup there are Symantec Net Backup 7.1 (site A) and Symantec Net Backup 7.6 (site B) this symantec are installed on different site (not in a cluster). Is it possible to restore or import on Symantec Net Backup 7...

adhitya by Level 2
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Resolved! Consolidating tapes using bpduplicate

I was wondering if someone had already written a script to consolidate partially used tapes onto another tape. I have instances where only a small portion of a tape was used yet the expiration dates are far in the future. I'd like to be able to basi...

sclind by Level 6
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Resolved! Need to know how to move NetBackup v6.0 metadata from a Unix server (Solaris 8) to a new server (Solaris 10) that houses NetBackup v7.5.

So this is not a typical upgrade where NetBackup v6.0 lives on a Unix server and is then upgraded in place to NetBackup v7.5.  We are installing NetBackup v7.5 on a new server with Solaris 10 OS installed.  After the NetBackup v7.5 is installed we th...

MAC_DBA by Level 2
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Resolved! Java auth.conf Configuration

I am looking to limit a few people on my team to be just tape operations folks. They will only be responsible for maybe viewing the activity monitor as well as ejecting media on a daily basis. My question is how should the ADMIN= JBP= look in the aut...

Resolved! Netbackup Error 89

Hello Team, We are facing issue with few client s in netbackup 6.5.6 version 89 error , for particular region   10 servers effected with this error   client version and OS versions are solaris/6.5.6   Destails log for one client -----------...

Resolved! Backups getting failed with 84 error

Hello All,   Backups are getting failed with error 84 from a media server , when I checked bptm logs found below:   12:52:50.719 [18242] <16> write_data: cannot write image to media id L02933, drive index 8, I/O error     Kindly suggest.   O...