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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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PureDisk STU Full - Not reclaiming the space.

Hi Everyone, I need some help to fix my netbackup media server STU not reclaiming space.  Netbackup Setup: OS: Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Netbackup Version : Netbackup Master : 1  Netbackup Media Server (Tape / Puredisk) : 6  We are having pro...

MrNetBU by Level 2
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Resolved! Disk Staging Schedule Netbackup 6.5.6

Hi, In the last weeks we are facing problems with one of our Media Servers (Windows 2003) - sometimes the disk gets full. This happens since the disk size was reduced. Now we investigated these problems and we found that duplication jobs are not done...

Resolved! NBU - unable to find backup image in BAR

hi all i'd backed up an exchange mailbox (with NBU 7.5 on Master server running Win2k3 32 bits and exchange server Win2k8 R2 SP1) and it went successfully; however when I launch BAR from master server and also directly from the exchange server, i can...

windows backup partially successful

Windows backup is completing with partial successful. Please suggest how to getrid off this partial successful   09/10/2013 16:21:38 - begin writing 09/10/2013 16:21:40 - Info bpbkar (pid=12212) change journal NOT enabled for <C:\> 09/10/2013 16:22...

Resolved! Netbackup 7.5 import help required

HI All, Im hoping that you can help me out with an issue. I backed up data to an LTO4 tape using netbackup 7.5 and then our master server needed to be changed so a full catalog recovery was used to move the master server to a new windows 2008 box. I ...

Resolved! Bad performance with Netbackup Accelerator

Hello all, Netbackup server running on RedHat with accelerator enabled. Media server on Netbackup appliance 5220. Dedup done on media server. We are taking in backup a Windows 2003 File server with a lot of small files (13 millions files on ...

donypie by Level 4
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Resolved! SLP

HI All, I just need to know how many backup desination(Duplication destination) can have in SLP as i believe in disk staging only one duplication is available at a time? Thanks, Belse

belse by Level 5
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Resolved! backup copy expiration date

hello, how do I tell a particular backup copy's expiration date? In my case I'm looking for copy 3's expiration date. If there something in the GUI or commandline?

Resolved! Eject tapes to mailslot

Hi, I have library with 24 mailslot. How to see/install mailslot drives in netbackup? How to manual export 100 tapes to mailslot in netbackup console gui? Thanks

iaw by Level 5
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Resolved! Vault duplication and six drive robot

Netbackup Master, RHEL 5.9, 64 bit, v7.5.0.6; Media Servers are NBU v7.5.0.6, MS OSs are Windows 2008 R2 64 bit. We have a Quantum six drive library that I want to use for vault duplication jobs.  I have three (3) Windows Media Servers attached to th...

trs06 by Level 5
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Shadow Copy Components slowness

NetBackup 7.5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4      Linux Mediaserver that performs backups of WINDOWS servers. Recently the ShadowCopyComponenents backup has slown to a crawl. But ironically, the next day it may be fine. Or switches to an...

Resolved! How to restore crashed master server

HI,   I am using Windows server 2003, suppose today my netbackup server crashed & i have catalog backup of last week. Can we restore netbackup server to current/present state.   Please advice. Thanks in Advance.

Fahim_Khan by Level 3
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Resolved! Socket Read Failed (23)

I am getting this error code. I am adding a new client to Netbackup. I have added the this client to the etc hosts. please advise...   thanks    

p7683m by Level 3
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Netbackup Staging.

Hi All, In case of Disk staging, is it possible to move the Data from Disk to a Specific volume command line. When I tried it moves to a pool, and I want it to be moved to a volume pool "Mensual". Please let me know, if I have to share any ...

Resolved! Drive problem

All, I am in strange situation. 1) Deleted the drive from nbu gui. 2) Run /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan : can see the drive whih i deleted.\ 3) Run discovery wizard--now this is not discovering that drive ? Whats wrong here ?  

Possible by Level 6
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VMware Policy Backup - Network Connection Broken (40)

I have a Netbackup Environment with a Virtual Master Server running 7506 and a 5230 Appliance running 2.5.2 (7505).  There are a small number of Physical clients (Windows and Linux) and many VMware clients. Whilst most of the VMware clients (ESX5) ar...

SYMAJ by Level 6
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