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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Resolved! replaceing a Tape Drive

hi every one i am new to net backup i have a question like.. what are the pre checklist to replace a tape drive, And how would we conform that this tape drive is damaged. if you face this type of issue in your experiance please share(step by step) wi...

Resolved! Netbackup 6.0 vault issue

Hi All, I would like to seek your assistance regarding NBU Vaulting, the scenario is I had a backup 27th of October and I wanted to vault these images as my offsite copy, the problem is it is not detecting the images. I have change the parameters in ...

Resolved! Netbackup MS SQL Client

HI,   Im running a Windows 2008 R2 Master server. NBU   Im also Running my SQL server on the same machine.   Im trying to do a restore from the SQL client, as soon as I select the transaction log backup to restore, the GUI bombs out. From wh...

jploui by Level 4
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Resolved! NBU Technical Questions, Pls Ans..

hi all,   1). How would you tune NetBackup to increase backup performance? 2)what is the use of temp files, which location(PATH) it will store in Unix/windows? 3)how can you recover a correpted images? 4). If your last catalog backup was two days ago...

Restore db2 archive logs

Hi, I have configured userexit methord of archiving using ARCFUNC COPY methord. When I perform restore of the DB2 of the archive logs using bprestore command it is not working. I am not getting any error when I ran these comamands on command line. He...

Resolved! How to exclude 157/150 error on Blat

Team, I need solution for the following issue we have configured blat on our environment so using blat we are getting backup failure alert & based on that ticket will be created   Netbackup master server : on windows 2008 R2 but isue is we wa...

Resolved! Volume in Disk Pool

Hi there, Just wondering if anyone could enlighten me... How does netbackup choose what volume to use in an AdvancedDisk disk pool? Thanks!

RMAN backup is runnning very slow

RMAN backup is runnning very slow, average speed is 1MB/sec. How to find out what is making the backup slow. Around 100 GB DB is taking 14 hours to complete the backup. It was taking only 4-5 hours to complete the Tape backup before, now we have move...

Resolved! How will exclude vault duplication for unwanted client

Hi Folks, I dont know exactly it is possible.I have more the 500 client.We are taking vault duplication for weekly & monthly full backup and we used to send offsite for all secondary copy. I want to take duplication for only production server(approxi...

Resolved! nbsu

Hi ALL,   I need to send logs to symantec for backup application.   Please somebody provide the simple steps to send by using nbsu utility.    

Arun_K by Level 6
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SharePoint Granular Backups

Documentation says and I have seen in our lab that I can only do Granular backups to disk. However, my question is how do i transfer it to tape? Dupe it? Can i stage it? once i transfer to tape, will i be able to do granular restore ?     many thanks...

BTLOMS by Level 5
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Recording media server config before uninstalling

Hi Im going to uninstall Netbackup 6.5 server as part of upgrade some Solaris meda servers to 7.* and am trying to ensure I record all relevant config to ensure it is re-applied correctly after installing 7.*. Right now I can only think of the follow...

nick80 by Level 4
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Restore Problem

After upgrade to Netbackup  (Master & Media Server AIX 7.1) we cant Restore windows  Files or Folders  from Java console  if the name contain  special characters  ( ñ Ñ á é í ó ú) in file or folder name. when you try to browse the directory  ...

AKiller by Level 2
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Resolved! bp_start script

   ./netbackup/bin/goodies/bpstart_notify.bat where: %1 = CLIENT_NAME %2 = POLICY_NAME %3 = SCHEDULE_NAME %4 = SCHEDULE_TYPE, one of the following: FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC %5 = STATUS, always 0 %6 = RESULT_FILE Please provide me the followi...

Resolved! Need info on option "Maximum I/O streams per volume"

Hello Everyone, Would appreciate if anybody can give me detailed information on "Maximum I/O streams per volume" in Netbackup using SLP. It'll be great if it can be with Example. Environment: Netbackup & Windows Server 2008. Thanks in Advance...

Resolved! NetBackup 7.5 Catalog Backups

I have a quick question.  I've not only done searches in this forum, but have searched all the relevant admin manuals (I've collected them all!!  ;)  ), but can't seem to find an answer.  Maybe I'm just bad at searching? Anyway, the question involves...

pbx starting on 169.X.X.X address

Hello I have a Windows 2008 R2 Netbackup client where the pbx keeps starting on a 169.X.X.X address Have tried to change the order of the network interfaces, disable the interface with the 169.X.X.X and created the PREFERRED_NETWORK which sho...