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bpbkar process killed by OS


Hi experts


NBU master win 2008 7.1 , media server NBU win 2008 7.1 client NBU 7.1 win 2003

when backup runs in multi streaming c:, system state backup runs fine but E: drive backup fails with error 41

found below error in eventvwr on client server


Faulting application bpbkar32.exe, version 7.1.2011.203, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x39313566.
event ID 1000
when C: backup runs it do not show any error on eventvwr but as soon as it runs on E: n backs up 40 GB it throws above error in eventvwr
plz help if u hav seen this error before

Level 6

Status 41: "The server did not receive any information from the client for too long a period of time."

Since the backup of E: starts successfully but stops part way through, my guess is that the backup is encountering a file on E: that is locked.  Do you have Windows Open File Backup enabled for that client?


Level 6

backing up just the E: drive?  does that work?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Any VSS errors in Event Viewer at more or less the same time?

Try to disable WOFB for this client - Master server -> Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes 
Add Client Name if not listed, select if in the list.
Disable WOFB

If backup is successful (or status 1 due to skipped open files) it points to problem with VSS.


yes i do hav WOFB enabled on server.

every time E: drive backup fails.

NOw we are facing same issue on 4 more servers.they show error code 42, 41, 13.

common thing amongst them is error on eventvwr 

Faulting application bpbkar32.exe, version 7.1.2011.203, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x39313566.

Faulting application bpbkar32.exe, version 7.1.2011.203, faulting module bpbkar32.exe, version 7.1.2011.203, fault address 0x0006b912.


Level 6

Is this E: drive local or mounted filesystem?

It looks like a mounted one, and if the filesystem is busy, this might happen. Turn on verbose bpbkar log to see if there is anything useful...

Is this client a VM? Google the "bpbkar faulting" may give you a few technotes regarding issues in Netbackup with VM.


this client is not  VM