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bpmedialist entries.

Level 4

current setup:
master and media server are the same.

I need to freeze some tapes from the scratch pool.

When I run
bpmedia –freeze –m <media_id>
it says media id not present in the NB or volmgr database.

I suppose bpmedia looks up for the tape id in the output of bpmedialist
The scratch pool tape entries are absent in the output of bpmedialist also.

When I run the available_media script in goodies, the media is present there and I know for sure that the media is present cause I got it loaded.

1. What should I do if I need to freeze a tape from the scratch pool?
2. When is a tape added to the bpmedialist entry?

waiting for your replies, I mean solutions.


Level 6

clueless wrote:
this approach won't work

Please don't give up so easily. Do some research. Especially when you are using a procedure that is well documented. All you have to do is change the primary copy.
How to change a duplicate copy to be the primary copy

Message Edited by Stumpr on 02-18-2008 08:36 AM

Level 4
bob, thanks a lot.

Level 6
I know I am coming into this a little late. but here is my 2 cents.
when a tape has too many errors the software will freeze the the tape for you.  ( I know also that if you had it write protected and try to write to it, it can also get frozen but we don't leave tapes in the robot over night that were used for restores).
When I check backups in the morning I look for bad tapes (via errors or the Problems report) and we also put a note on the tape when taken out to put it in the "bad box" when it expires.
True we may miss doing this some days.
When we put tapes back into the robot at the end of the two weeks or six months, we know all the tapes we are putting in should be expired.
so all tapes in the robot should be expired.
if we sort media in the gui by assigned time and robot if we see any that are still assigned.....
the first thing we do is compare them to the Tape Summary report.
if the report says it is frozen and past the expire date then we have to assume that the tape may have been bad.  At which point we take it out and put it in the bad box. 
 At some time in the furture, we have Media Recovery clean and recertify the tapes.  If they pass we use them again.  If they don't pass we have the destroyed.

Level 4
2 hinchcliffe:

thanks a lot mate.
will come up to a solution by combining the best of all the information I have recieved through this forum

as of now, next time we have a backup failure, I am trying restoring from the faulty tape and then changing the primary copy and all as suggested by bob.

Level 4
now that I know on how to set a duplicate tape as a primary so that veritas can look up for it,
please recommend some ways to restore data from a tape that went faulty after writing a few files,
should I try restoring with the bprestore command?
or is there a better option?