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bpplschedrep policy_name sched_label -delweekday day_name week

Level 6
     -delweekday day_name week
               Specifies a day of the week and the  week  of  the
               month  to  be  excluded  as  a  run  day  from the
               schedule.  The day_name is: Sunday, Monday,  Tues-
               day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
               The week is the number of the week in the month.
               For example, to exclude the second Monday  of  the
               month, enter:
               -delweekday Monday 2
My question:
what number should be used to reflect the last Friday of each month?
-delweekday Friday 4 ..or
-delweekday Friday 5
Some months have 4 Fridays and somwe months have 5 Fridays. How do you ensure that the LAST friday is excluded?
If I use 4 and there are 5 Fridays in the month what will happen?
If I use 5 and there are only 4 Fridays in a month what will happen?

Level 6
If you use 5 it will automatically pick last week of the month.
Please keep in mind -delweekday can only remove the dates that were added by using -weekday option.