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image cleanup errors

Level 3

when NBU 6.5.2a tries to run an image cleanup, it fails and this is what the end of the log says


Info bpdbm(pid=4940) processing client nas

Info bpdbm(pid=4940) processing clean terabuster

Info bpdbm(pid=4940) deleted 0 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 0 expired copies

Info nbdelete(pid=5508) deleting expired images. Media server: NAS Media: "E:\Veritas.backup.files

invalid command paramter(20)


I could not find anyting related to image clean up and status code 20, any idea guys? thanks



Level 3
any thoughts anyone? Thanks

Level 6

ya... seen this before but can you post the admin and bpdbm logs first? If this is urgent, then i would suggest to log a support call.










Level 3

Hi Guys,


I have the same issue.. "image clean up status 20"...wheneverI have a successful backup using tape storage unit...But using disk storage unit image clean shows successful...I am thinking this is because the customer is ejecting his tapes every morning after last night's successful backups and it's actually looking for the tapes that are going to expire...

Level 3
somehow my problem fixed itself after a re-install, but I was not using tapes or anything.

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

One of the mostly common reasons that this error can happens is that the expired image who is reporting the error is wrote in a remote Storage Unit (Probably a Disk or Disk Stage STU) and the remote Media Server who owns the STU is not available (down, dead, or anything else), the STU was forcefully removed from the environment or anything like this. Means that NBU is trying to access the remote STU in order to expire and remove the image (if it is the case) but is not able to do that.



Level 6

 Alvin Sagum wrote:


I am thinking this is because the customer is ejecting his tapes every morning after last night's successful backups and it's actually looking for the tapes that are going to expire...


For Expiring images - no need of media; Netbackup expires the images under db\images folder that are need to expire based on the retention !


Even after expire of media u can able to restore the data from tape(if you didnt overwrite the tape means)


Check import process in admin guide !