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windows backups regularly fail with status code 14

Level 6
my windows backup jobs regularly fail with status code 14, tried all possobilites but not able to resolve, as of now we are safe as we enabled check points.
master server : win 2003, 5.1 MP6,
no of clients: 150. for 20 servers, multiple streaming is enabled and multiplexing at drive level is 20, windows open file backup is enabled.
please let me know what best i could do to solve this problem.
note: let me know if any further input is required

Level 6
Are the backups going to tape or disk? This is a file write failure, the best thing to do is check out the status 14 troubleshooting guide / technote - 277558, if you haven't already.

Level 6
i have already cross verified the same..
i could see lot of error messages in bpbrm logs
bpbrm handle_backup: from client xxxyyaaa: FTL - tar file write error (10054
<16> bpbrm send_keepalive: could not write KEEPALIVE to COMM_SOCK
<2> put_long: (11) network write() error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ; socket = 1200480
] <16> process_cpr_message: could not write checkpoint processed message to COMM_SOCK
and in bptm logs
<4> fill_buffer: media manager child killed by parent
can you suggest me what is this
master server and media server is same, 2 nic's are teamed together.

Level 6
I had a similar problem a few months back, I was getting status 84 errors, which then ended in status 14 errors. My master and media server had NIC teaming in place, and when I removed the teaming this seemed to fix my errors.
I contacted Symantec tech support, and they told me that there is a problem with Netbackup and NIC teaming and the support guy advised me not to use teaming. He told me that there's a Symantec document relating to this, but it's an internal use only document not available for public viewing.
In summary, try removing teaming and see if that helps.

Level 6
even after removing teaming, backup failure with same status code is seen.

Level 3
Partner Certified

I've got the same issue with the following particularities :
NBU server 6.5.4 (it causes problems also with 6.5.3)
Windows clients :
- physical win 2k3 x64 with nbu client 6.5.3
- physical win 2k3 x86 with nbu client 6.5.3
- virtual win 2k3 x86 with nbu client 5.1 MP5
- virtual win 2k3 x86 with nbu client 6.5.3
- virtual win XP x86 with nbu client 6.5.3

the particularity is that these server are backed up through a WAN 100 Mbps Fiber Channel
when I try to backup any windows through this wan, it fails with following error
bpbrm log :
date [pid] <32> bpbrm handle_backup: from client win-test: FTL - tar file write error (10054)

we diabled QoS to test, it does not work.

it works when I test backups on a policy with one file (c:\WINDOWS\sytem32\Drivers\etc\hosts)
but it doesn't work when I use real backup list (with one or 2 directories).

does someone have an idea?


Level 6
Please create new thread instead of attaching to this old one. Thanks.