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Need assistance emailing reports with unique characteristics.

Not applicable

We are new with OpsCenter and part of our operation is to email reports to our various clients throughout the day showing backup status. We are moving off another platform onto OpsCenter, and are looking to get what they are currently used to getting with this product - so we have a few questions on how to do this.

1. One report we send out is a three day report card that is color coded - just basically a grid showing each server on a line with solumns for each day colored white (no data) green (success), yellow (partial success) and red (failure) along with sometimes half red, half green and maybe a few other options. We have noticed and tested the weekly report with the icons showing the stick figures for success and partial and the red "X" for failure. It looks OK in the GUI - thing is, when we email the thing, the link destinations show up instead of the icon, and the report is virtually unreadable. Has anyone found a way to get these icons to email properly? The color background indicating Full or Incremental is not necessary.

From Gui

Same Report - Emailed

1A. Is there any way so change the number of days displayed from 7 to 3?

2. Another feature we are looking for is for on a daily report, having each success line green, failure red, and so forth. I have experimented with creating a report using the SQL query option and having HTML code in the query that would make the text or embedded one-cell table with the proper color. This works OK in the GUI, but when the report is emailed, the color HTML is removed. Is there some sort of option/code/secret that we're missing?

Thanks for any assistance you may be able to offer.