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OpsCenter not wrking properly

Level 2

Hi All,

We are facing some issues with our OpsCenter server

1. OpsCenter will stop working at 3.00am in the morning when the data purge starts, meaning it will not generate alerts. I am able to access the webconsole and all the services will be up and running but no laerts will be triggered.

2.When I perform an opsamin stop and start in the next day it will start generating alerts.

3.OpCenter DB is having 70GB of size. We tried to defrag the db, but it got stuck at "importing opscenter database" for around 4 days and we cancelled the process.

4.We increased the OpsCenter servers physical RAM from 36GB to 72GB but still no luck.

Checked "server.log" in "C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\db\log" and "purge-status" in ""C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\logs" but didn't find any errors.

Please let us know if anybody has any idea on how to resolve this.


Level 6

What version is your OpsCenter?

Is there anything like "memory cache size" being adjusted in your server.log?

When you run dbdefrag, did it mention about "validating the database" and was there any error?

Level 2

Thanks Watsons for the reply!!!!

OpsCenter is running on

I couldn't find "memory cache size" in server.log..Instead we have modified "server.conf"  to the below after increasing the physical RAM of the server to 72GB.

"  -n OPSCENTER_XEBMPS01 -x tcpip(LocalOnly=NO;ServerPort=13786) -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 4096 -ti 0 -c 8192M -ch 64G -cl 8192M -zl -os 1M -m  -o "C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\db\log\server.log" -m "

Validating Database did not happen. PFB outputs captured from dbdefrag.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin>dbbackup.bat D:\OPS_DB_BKP
Backing up the OpsCenter database...
Updating Transaction log....
SQL Anywhere Transaction Log Utility Version
"vxpmdb.db" was using log file "vxpmdb.log"
Transaction log filename not changed
"vxpmdb.db" is using no log mirror file
Transaction log starting offset is 0351884433786
Transaction log current relative offset is 0022351250
OpsCenter Database backup successful.


C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin>dbdefrag.bat
Stopping the OpsCenter Web Console Service...
Stopping the OpsCenter Server...
Stopping the OpsCenter Database...
Unloaded vxpmdb
        5 file(s) copied.
Initializing the new OpsCenter database files
SQL Anywhere Initialization Utility Version
CHAR collation sequence:  UTF8(CaseSensitivity=Respect)
CHAR character set encoding:  UTF-8
NCHAR collation sequence:  UCA(CaseSensitivity=UpperFirst;AccentSensitivity=Igno
NCHAR character set encoding:  UTF-8
Creating system tables
Creating system views
Setting option values
Database "D:\OpsCenterDB\.\vxpmdb.db" created successfully
Starting the new OpsCenter database
The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service is starting...
The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service was started successfull

Authenticate the new OpsCenter Database
Starting DB Authentication
DB Authentication Done Successfully

Restarting the new OpsCenter Database Server Service...
The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service is stopping.
The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service was stopped successfull

The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service is starting...
The Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Database Server service was started successfull

Importing OpsCenter Database....


Level 6

I believe you have 2 different issues to address, although I am not sure if they are inter-related.

1) OpsCenter does not generate alert when data purging starts. When this happens, try to check what is inside the 58330-148*.log and look for alert-related message. You probably need to enable DebugLevel=6 for OID 148,  from there you can verify if alert got generated or not.

If your alert is to trigger email notificaion, check mail*.log. If alert is generated, you can see it will try to send out email here - whether it is successful sending out email is another question.

Of course, assuming your alert policy is not disabled in the first place.

2) The dbdefrag stuck in "importing opscenter database" for a long time, I guess it's due to your large database size (70GB), I don't know how long this would take. What i know is reducing your data (by purging more expired info you don't need) can reduce the database size, and have a better chance of dbdefrag success.

Btw, you don't need to run dbdefrag unless you are seeing performance issue or something like this in your server.log:

I. 1/29 17:51:03. Performance warning: Database file "E:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\Server\DB\Data\OpsCenterDB\vxpmdb.db" consists of 35 disk fragments