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Our passion is protecting your data. Check out news and insights from the Veritas Protection blog addressing datacenter issues like disaster recovery, complete data management, backup, and recovery protection.

Blog Articles

Smartphones and Backup

What was your reaction when you got your first phone call on a smartphone? If you’re like me, it was something like: "Oh yeah, this makes sense. The caller’s name appears on the screen. My music stops...


Frequently Asked Questions on NetBackup Accelerator

NetBackup Accelerator is an exciting feature introduced in NetBackup 7.5 and NetBackup Appliances software version 2.5. This blog is not a substitute for NetBackup documentation. NetBackup Accelerator...


Don't Get Duped by Dedupe

If you are evaluating dedupe solutions, the dedupe ratios claimed by dedupe vendors are bound to intrigue you. I have seen claims of dedupe rates as high as 50:1 and I am sure there are claims of even...


DR of the Living Dead

With the one-two punch of an earthquake in the Mid-Atlantic US followed closely by a hurricane potentially hitting the same region, Disaster Recovery is probably a popular discussion right now in the ...


NetBackup Deduplication- FUD vs. Reality

In my current role at Symantec, I spend a lot of time talking to customers about their data protection strategies. It is interesting to note how much misinformation some of our competitors continue to...


How much does a deduplication solution really cost you?

There are a number of deduplication solutions from various vendors available for you to choose from. There are plenty of discussions about various kinds of deduplication solutions and how those help t...