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Problem before deport/import of disk group with 4.1 on solaris

Level 4
Hello, maybe someone can help so I just explain it:
we have Solaris 8, old server has Veritas 3.5 , new server has Veritas 4.5, both connected to SAN.
I configured the SAN to now already the connection to new server,

on the new server  I saw  the SAN T3s  without any information but then I made the mistake to try to rename on Ts-lun and initialize it,
this has the result that now I see this disk as initialized for the new server with a differnet private ragion onfo that on th eold one,

i know now that I better did nothing with it and wait until import of deported diskgroup from old server but is there a chance to clean this
information on the SAN t3 at new server   ,  is there a function really to deleted it and not just deport it and if I would delete it would it make any effect ont the old server ??

Ok, thanks in advanced