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SFHA 5.0 for Windows and ExtremeZ-IP

Level 2
Hi all,

We have decided to move from MSCS to SFHA 5.0 on our file server. Since we have Mac users we use ExtremeZ-IP. When I try installing ExtremeZ-IP I get message saying that there is no cluster available. So ExtremeZ-IP doesn't recognize SFHA as a cluster sw. I have tried to find information about how to run ExtremeZ-IP with SFHA with no success so far. Hopefully someone here have som experience with this. Do we need to get a non cluster license for each node in the cluster? Will ExtremeZ-IP be able to do a failover with non cluster license?

Any help or information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Level 6
I have never come across ExtremeZ-IP, so don't know how it works.
It looks like it runs as a service, so you may be able to install the service on each node in the cluster, then use the Wizard provided with SFWHA to cluster the service, and any shared storage. Then you'd need to see how to replicate any settings you might need. If these are stored in registry you need to hunt down the relevent section and use Registry Replication.

Level 2
Thanks for your reply. I have scheduled testing next week. Since it is a service it should but I will hopefully know this for sure at the end of next week.