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BESR Exchange Retrieve not working

Level 5
When I try to load the .sv2i file I get a popup:
The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoded characters, encoding 'Unicode (UTF-8)' fallback 'System.Text.DecoderReplacement.Fallback'.
Any ideas?
I can browse the volumes otherwise, there is no indication that there is a problem.

Level 5
Despite the fact everything looked correct... I deleted every volume set, everything, all files. Then ran the job again making no changes to the job parameters.  Now the volume will not mount for a different reason mentioned in this thread

Level 5
I've tried to use the Exchange Retrieve option but it is failing.
I have all volumes on the exchange server backing up in a single job in the same directory. i.e. NS1(C,D). All of the exchange files are on these drives.
When I try to mount NS1.sv2i, I get a popup error while it is Mounting Volume Images:
Unable to mount image. More information on the error is shown below. Select OK to mount the next available image.
Error: Unable to find the Exchange Information File (EIF). Is this image a backup of an Exchange Server? If it is make sure you select the volume which contains the Exchange binaries when performing a backup.
If I click OK, after a short pause I get the same error again.
I dont' know what else to do, all drives have been selected for the backup already.

Level 5
This is frustrating. Does BESR Exchange Retrieve work for anyone?
What is the next step here to fix this problem?

Level 5
I've tried every combination I can think of, Symantec will not respond via phone or otherwise and on this forum has taken to answering months old threads skipping over this one.
This is the last hitch in our evaluation and it's holding up the order.
Is anyone using BESR Exchange Retrieve successfully?
Should I hold out hope that once I get a service contract after purchase that Symantec will be any more helpful in resolving this issue?

Level 5
I found this in the NS1.sv2i file...
....<IsExchangeServer vt="11">0</IsExchangeServer><ExchangeServerVersion vt="8"></ExchangeServerVersion><ExchangeServerServicePackVersion vt="8"></ExchangeServerServicePackVersion>....
This would seem to indicate to me that BESR does not know that this is an exchange server. I've double checked the job setup and I don't see anywhere to specify that a computer is an Exchange Server.
Am I missing something?

Level 5
We are fully licensed users now... Exchange Retrieve is still not working.

Not applicable
Since installation date, we have been unable to use the Exchange retrieve option that we purchased.  I'm about to request that my $1100 be refunded if it's not going to work.  I've spent time with Symantec and they have no idea why it's not working either.
Maybe I'll just ask for my money back.

Level 5
I have a case open now. They sent me a new .dll to update and I've made the change. It took me some time to get things working again, I had to reinstall the manager. But now it is runinng the first fresh backup set since the dll was installed. It's got another hour or so before it finishes. I should know quickly if it is fixed once that set finishes.

Level 5
I'm sad to report... the new dll did not fix the issue. BESRER is still non-functional.