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False Errors in Manager

Level 3

I have a situation where BESR manager reports multiple computers as "At Risk" or "Needs Attention," but when I examine the link it says that the computer is backed up successfully.


This is going to become a problem as we deploy the software to more computers... monitoring for real errors will become time-consuming.  How do I remove the error status from computers that have successfully backed up an independent recovery point?


I have this problem with computers running BESR version 7 and 8.


Thanks for any help!


Level 6
Employee Accredited

These messages indicate that the publishing agent on these clients is being told that one or more of the drives or the system itself has an issue. It arrives at this conclusion in three ways, a drive detected is not assigned to a backup job, it backup history files is reporting one ore more of these detected drives has not had a successful backup within a given period of time, that the system has failed to respond to the last six query requests made by the Manager server on its status, a backup job has not ran successfully for some time on that client; meaning that existing recovery points are probably old.

To eliminate false positives first follow the suggestions listed in the technote:

Changing how a computer reports backup status

Secondly, change the Client polling interval if you know the client will be offline /power down for longer then 6 X default value of 60minutes = 6 hours by following the directions in this technote:

Setting client options for computers

If you are still getting messages like this, you may want to unassigned the backup jobs to the specific clients, manually delete the client’s history (the content of the history folder in documents and settings locally on the client itself) cycle the services on the client, and force a new baseline set.