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How to use BESR 8 with BE 12

Not applicable

Hello all,


I have 40 servers I want to back up and create images with and currently have BE 12 with the free IDR option. Of these 40 servers, I have 15 that I want to be able to restore to dissimilar hardware. This is where BESR comes in. With BE 12 in hand, do I need to purchase a full server version of BESR for each server, or is their an option I can purchase for BE 12 to do so?


Also, would I need the options BE Restore Anywhere, Granular recovery option, BESR manager, etc.?




Level 6
Employee Accredited
Unlike BEWS 12 options that are enabled from its Media server, Backup Exec System Recovery (BESR) 8.03x is a separate install and at this time does not integrate with the BEWS 12’s RAWS agents nor the media server.  Each server you wish to backup and later migrate to dissimilar hardware will require that at least the BESR agent gets installed. This can occur either from a full install from the BESR product CD on each server or from a single server’s full install console through an agent-only push install; the BEWS Media server will not be used with this product.  Once the agent is install, a job will need to be configured to create a backup of its local disks. These backups then would be what is used to migrate the system to dissimilar hardware. Each Agent will require a license for use.  The Restore Anyware option, unlike in version 6, is now integrated directly into the agent. 

The Granular restore option is not needed to properly migrate a server; it is use to retrieve various builds of Exchange and Sharepoint end-user data.


Manager is to administrate over 30+ agents typically in a WAN configuration trusted forest environments; the simple BESR console can administrate up to 30 clients in a LAN environment with some configuration changes and for short durations the console can administrate up to 50 clients though Symantec Technical Support does not recommend the BESR console to administrate agents in the manner.