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Overwriting old recovery points

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Is there a way to have BESR 7.0 overwrite the previous backup recovery point each time it does a full system backup?  I can't seem to get it to delete the old version and overwrite a new one.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
BESR in most cases handles this by means of the "limit number of recovery points saved for this backup" feature.  If I set the number for this feature to "1", then BESR 7.0 will do the following:
1.  Create the first backup when the job runs for the first time
2.  Create the next backup when the job runs for the second time, and after successful completion of backup, delete previous backup (created in step 1).
Each time the backup runs thereafter, when the backu completes successfull the previous backup will be deleted.  So enough space for two backups needs to exist at the backup destination, but only one backup is kept.

Let me know if that makes sense.
You could alternatively have a batch file run as the part of the backup job that goes out to the backup destniation and deletes all backup files (*.v2i, *.iv2i, and *.sv2i) if that was preferable.
I've never tried that myself.

Level 4
You might want to submit this as a chooseable feature for the next release. There are those of us that would like to swap drives between backups with a much older set, but the drive's not big enough to hold both backup sets at the same time. I understand why the 'backup first, delete later' mentality is there, but having the choice (with a subsequent warning) would be nice.
I'm also using a server with LiveState Recovery 3.0 ( and this feature definitely DOES NOT work. I'm backing up three small drives to two external USB drives (swapped every day), with the 'Number of Backup Sets' set to 1... The previous files are not deleted after the backup completes, and the drives fill up every 4 days.
Any way to get around this besides using a batch file?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Well, the product does have a scripting interface available, but going that route requires at least some degree of scripting experience.

Going that route, you could programatically handle this issue very easily.
I'll try to think of some other options.