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Restore anyware failing... or am I not waiting long enough?

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I've successfully used the BESR with RA a couple of weeks ago in a similiar scenario.  We have an old server, SBS 2003, no raid, 2 logical drives.  Created image file, restored onto new server with hardware raid container, everything worked like a champ.  Both these servers were Dell, Intel processors.


Doing very similiar thing this weekend, same hardware models as above scenario with one difference, no USB 2.0, so I had a slightly different process.... don't know if this matters, but did drive image to a slaved-in IDE drive, then pulled it.  Cloned that drive onto a SATA drive, plugged into new hardware, booted to BESR cd, browsed to the image file on the SATA drive, and restored with RA.  This completed with NO ERRORS.  Shut down hardware, removed SATA drive, adjusted boot settings to remove the temporary SATA, and started boot.  Server posts and gets to the point SBS should be loading, and just sits there.  Container is RAID5, and I see activity across all 4 drives.  Been on the post screen for over 20 minutes, no errors.


Last one I did had substantially less data, and I can't be sure how long it took to complete at this point because I was busy with other tasks.  Am I being impatient, there is NO visable progression, and I'm running out of time here.  Please help, TIA!





Level 6
Employee Accredited
Typically, the time you will need to spend it at the PnP and mini-setup wizard within Windows not during post; I supect the method use was the issue. Recreate your images of the SBS 2003 system and store them on a network share. On the new target system boot into the SRE, map a network drive to the storage location, choose Analyze | open command shell then use DISKPART to 'clean' the target drive before re-restoring to it. Then perform a View | By filename restore of the image files stored on the share to the unallcoated targeet drive with the following restore options only RESIZE DRIVE TO FILL..., SET DRIVE ACTIVE...., RESTORE MBR...