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SSR 2013 not backing up user who are logged in.

Level 2

Hi all, 


I am using SSR 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2. Users connect into the computer using RDP so at one time there can be several active accounts.

I notice that when a user is logged in, in C:\users the logged in user profile will look like a shortcut file. Then when the back up runs in the evening it will fail for only the users who are logged in.


I have attached an image to show what I am getting. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?




Failed backups.JPG



Employee Accredited

I notice that when a user is logged in, in C:\users the logged in user profile will look like a shortcut file. Then when the back up runs in the evening it will fail for only the users who are logged in.

I am not quite sure what you mean by this. Are you doing file/folder level backups or are you backing up the entire volume (volume-level backup)?

Also, can you provide the exact error you are seeing.

Level 2

What I mean is that if I go to task manager on the computer and check what users have active sessions. Those same users (which are logged in) have shortcut symbols next to their user profile folder. See below.



You can see the error in the image I posted at the start of the thread. The user profiles are failing to back up.

When I check the logs I see this;

"Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of User Disk (C:\Users\ITF\).
    Error EC8F03EA: Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.
        Error E0BC0002: Object SME~Computer~BgM4461E924Region-0~VM4461E924Region-0-1 not found. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)"

But this error only seems to appear for one user.


Employee Accredited

The screenshot you provided initially doesn't really provide much info I'm afraid. Although it does look like these profiles are being mounted as volumes somehow - is this correct?

But this error only seems to appear for one user.

So anything specific about this one user? How is it different to the other user accounts?

Level 2

No they are all just normal user accounts on that computer. Not 100% sure why they appear as shortcuts when the user is logged in.

All the user accounts are they same and they all have the same issue (when they have an active login session on the pc SSR fails to back up their user account).

When I said "But this error only seems to appear for one user." I mean't that the error only appears in the log for one user but all the users still fail but in the log there isn't failures for each of the user profiles.

Any info anyone has would be greatly appreciate because I have users whom aren't getting backed up at the moment.



Employee Accredited

Can you open a support case for this? This will enable us to take a closer look to better understand the configuration of this machine.