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Scripting / Automation

Level 3
I've been scripting with BESR 6.5 and 7.0.  Current problems I cannot figure out:
1.  Automating the activation - i.e. once the service is installed, if the license file was not in place, I can stop the service, copy the license file to the appropriate directory, and restart the service.  That works and the product is activated.  I've been trying to avoid stopping and starting the service (e.g. using entrypoints like RefreshLicenseData and InstallLicense - no luck)
2.  Setting an upper limit of space to be used at the backup destination.  Via the GUI, Tools, Manage Backup Destination, pick the destination drive, open up Settings.  The parameters I'm trying to set are the "Monitor disk space usage for backup storage", setting the threshold, and setting "automatically optimize storage".  (Peculiar use of the word "optimize" to mean "delete stuff".)
Sure wish Symantec would document the API adequately so enterprise shops can automate deployments.  One of their support people told me they are actually considering withdrawing the API altogether.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Michel !
I tried to do the same since LSR 6.0 but the API for Activation is failing since that time.
I didn't try the other thing but let me know if you achieve success.
I also have problems with scripting BESR 7.0, see my post for that:
I filed a case with this problem and Symantec told me that they don't support the API at all !
What i was able to do is to create a file/folder backup job using the API.

Level 3
Hello Markus - hope you are well.
Thanks for your reply.   I have made no progress on this issue.
It does seem that Symantec refuses to support the API - that's going to make it difficult for enterprises to effectively use the product for the long term hence we are reviewing our options for our next major deployment.