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System Recovery 8.5 & Dell RD-1000 - No Longer Supported !!!!!

Not applicable

We are a systems integrator w/probably a hundred BE installations. We have been using the BESR successfully on our small business Dell servers configured w/the RD-1000 removable disk solution. For clients under maintenance and entitled to upgrades, we have had to develop custom scripts for BE Server/SBS Edition and have a reliable scheme that ejects, overwrites, etc - but thus far BESR has been an easier and less costly solution for new installations.


However, after a day and long night, we have been advised by Symantec on a conference call thru Dell (Symantec would not provide any direct support as we "do not have a contract" - hundreds of clients and years of support, apparently does not qualify!!!) that the RD's are no longer supported, and that the BESR product is "moving in a different direction." Of note is that this "change in direction" appears nowhere in print.


Unreal, does "image based backup's" and "removable disk" not go hand-in-hand? There is a gap between the DAT72 and the LTO's, which given the scalable nature the RD fill perfectly. After ~20 years of supporting "tape" technology, we were very excited about the ability to utilize removable disks and replicate a typical rotation cycle. Clearly Symantec has lost vision of the market, and does not work with their partners - INCLUDING Dell.


So caution to any Dell sites/integrators, although it is as of right now possible to config a system w/System Recovery 8.5 and the Dell RD 1000, it will not work (and in fact when it is accessed by SR the server BLUE SCREENS!!!).


Level 2

We are a VAR in the same position. We have dozens of Dell servers with RD1000 units.


Symantec's failure to support the RD1000 (ejecting issues especially) is highly discussed in newsgroups and at peer meetings and at MSFT events.  


Dont worry, if Symantec wont support the use of RD1000's in BENT and BESR, other vendors will eventually step up.


My understanding from Symantec is that, for some reason, fully supporting the RD1000, breaks other tape driver functionality. Symantec is currently not willing to do this.


We have already abandonded Symantec client security (over 160 managed desktops) for Trend Micro, because of Symantec's interference in our customer relationships (trying to sell direct).


We will entertain the first data protection vendor who can support the RD1000. Especially if they develop functionality that allows the labeling of individual removable disks, the way we used to label individual tapes.

Level 5

Symantec has currently identified an issue with the Dell PowerVault RD1000 and BESR 8.5.1. This issue is outlined in the technote below.  However, currently the Dell PowerVault RD1000 is a supported device.


If you are experiencing an issue with Backup Exec System Recovery 8.5/8.5.1 and the RD1000 please contact Symantec support and open a support ticket.


You may also subscribe to technote document number 315695. Please refer back to this document periodically as changes with the status of the issue will be reflected in the technote document below: