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Unattended installation of BESR 7.0 prompting for serial key instead of SLF file

Level 2
 I am trying to install BESR 7.0 silently with a attended install.cmd Doing following:
installing Dot net framework 2.0 as a pre-requiesite (exe)
Installing Installshield script engine11.5 (MSI)
installing BESR 7.0 (MSI) reboot suppressed

gets installed w/o any error, when if I launch the main exe its prompt for the serial key.

If I try the same with a media Does following
Installs the MSi application prompts for the reboot, I am rebooting.
After reboot I run that application prompts for there is no Dot Net framework 2.0 do you want to install, I say yes,
installs that and the prompts me for SLF file.

Now the problem is I got a SLF file only as a license and not the serial key. How can I solve this problem?
It is something i am missing or do I need to change to get the prompt for LSF file and not serial key window?

Pls help ASAP as I want to deliver the package.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
The full BESR 7.0 product available through standard channels requires an SLF file to license properly.  If you are being prompted for a serial number instead of an SLF file then you may have received one of the following:
The Backup Exec System Recovery Option (BESR-O) is a feature-reduced version of BESR 7.0 available to existing BE customers looking for system recovery protection in addition to their existing data protection solution.
BESR via Dell
If you have the BESR Option (BESR-O) or if you purchased BESR 7.0 through Dell, you may be prompted for a serial number instead of an SLF file.  In either of these cases, you should have received a serial number along with the product.

Level 2
Hi Bill,
Thanks for reply. I am not sure about the purchase from channel or dell, but 2 different things happening from same media:
1) if I package in install.cmd for unattended installation its prompting me for Serial key
2) If I run the setup from media, its prompting me for LSF file.

Thats what my question is?
The same setup files behave differently for attended and unattended setup.
 I am not sure, about the BESR-O, I think will give same result.
One more thing which I don't understand is if BESR 7 requires Dot Net Framework 2, at the time of installation he shuld check, its stupidity to ask when you are running the BESR.

Any way, my question is does my install.cmd will prompt me for LSF or not?
Is the any work around to get serial no from symantec?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
At this point I would probably recommend you open a ticket with Symantec technical support. 
Also, would you mind posting the exact contents of your install.cmd file?

Level 2
I will lock a ticket.
Pls find the install.cmd for your ref.

Echo       Now Installing Pre-Requisite Dot Net Framework 2.0
Echo       ==================================================
d:\cde\LSR70\Dotnet\install.exe /q

Echo       Now Installing Symnatec LSR 7.0
Echo       ==================================================
C:\winnt\system32\msiexec.exe /i d:\cde\lsr70\ISScript1150.msi /qb
C:\winnt\system32\msiexec.exe /i d:\cde\lsr70\lsr7.msi /qb REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS

I hope you can try out this at your end see the result, should prompt for a serial key.
