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System Recovery

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Useful Veritas System Recover 22 - Links

Release Notes for Veritas System Recovery 22 : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 Readme : v22.0Veritas System Recovery 22 Licensing Guide : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 User's Guide : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 Manager Readme : v22.0Veritas™...

klauskresnik by Moderator
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'How To' videos for Veritas System Recovery (VSR)

How to backup to Azure using Veritas System Recovery: How to backup to Amazon S3 using Veritas System Recovery: How to perform a Bare Metal restore using Veritas ...

criley by Moderator
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Resolved! how to find/change "send to" email for alerts

copied this over from backup exec forum as I posted in wrong place to start.   Running Backup Exec System Recovery SBS 2010 on windows server 2003. I have stepped into a preconfigured setup. I am getting logs/alerts from 2 different emails that have ...

Converted .sv2i SBS2011 image does not boot

We use Symanatec System Recovery 2011 (latest updates installed) to backup a Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard (fully patched). The source server has 2 MBR hard disk volumes: We wanted to do a P2V migration of this server to a VMWare ES...

Manuelles update von Systemrecovery 2013 ohne live update

Hallo zusammen, weiß jemand wie man das aktuelle Symantec System Recovery 2013 update manuell downloaden kann und einspielen ? Ist irgendwo beschrieben, welche Fehler mit dem aktuellen update behoben worden sind ? Vielen Dank für die Antworten  

rkhabe by Not applicable
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SSR 2K13: Custom Recovery isn't bootable

So, I created a x64 (it wouldn't allow me to create an x86 at all btw, which seems odd if I wanted to use the disk on an x86 system) Custom Recovery Disk ISO (which I had to do btw, because it wouldn't detect my attached USB thumb drive) and then "bu...

No USB Support in SSR 2K13?

Giving the trial a try and it doesn't show any of my USB drives (thumb drive, external HDD's) at all in the list of things I can backup. Also doesn't show them when I try to create a Custom Recovery Disk even though it says Create on "DVD or USB Devi...

Hyper V System Recovery

I need to setup a new server for SQL server and a web hosting purpose. The server may need 1-2 hyper v virtual machine running in the host. I will install Symantec System Recovery Server Edition in the host server for preform regular backup and resto...

tonycws by Level 2
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Clean-Up / Old Points

I read the manual, but I don't see this situation explained (attached). I installed SSR2013 in April of this year. I just installed SR1, so as to why I'm at 04. My backup defination is incremental with a new base monthly, and auto-cleanup. So the que...

about ghost, I lost my data

I use the ghost backup system,but I choose "partion to partion" ,partion "C" to "E"(I know is wrong now),but the data of "E" is important,can I recover data?please.

Resolved! SSR 2013 SP1

I'm subscribed to Chris' posts, and I received an email reply to a post about SSR 2013 SP1. Huh? First time I heard of it's existance. Does a home user need to worry about SP1? The program doesn't automatically check, and tell me if there's an update...

I will be replacing PC with a iMac

I will be replacing my PC with a iMac and wanted to know if there is version of SSR2013 that will run on the Mac OS ? I sure hope there is a version because SSR2013 has really met all of my backup needs on the PC. Thanks Ronnie

Can not start the backup Recovery 2011 -

I was able to create the backup plan, but when I try to start it I get the following error. Cannot show progress or performance retreiving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {53D3A21B-D7F7-4E4D-AF5D-4B868F2115A2} FAILED DUE TO THE FOLLOWI...

Lethalone by Not applicable
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SSR 2013 Does not find drives

I am having a problem with SSR 2013 finding drives on my system. SSR 2011 worked fine.   Ask you can see, I have 3 physical dirves, 2 of which have 2 drives each:  vbvbb   This is what SSR 2011 presents ( note image is from camera shot):   And, this...

Resolved! SSR 2013 Management Solution and SP1

Hello, I would like to know what happed if I upgraded my System Recovery 2013 Management Solution to SP1. I just did it in a test environment. There is no update package for SP1. I wonder how it is deployed? Is there a way to choose what is deployed ...

STHN by Level 5
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