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A0008488 Access Denied errors always

Level 2
I have a customer that is running BackupExec 9.1 on (2) Windows 2000 media servers. Each of these media servers also backs up some remote servers (Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and Mac OSX 10.3.8). We have yet to have a week that completes with (5) sucessful backups. I have recreated jobs, adjusted logon accounts, etc. but the symptoms are always the same. I receive the a0008488 access denied message on almost a nightly basis (even on the media server itself). The logon account being used for the Windows servers is the Domain administrator account. This account has full permissions to everything that has been selected for the backup jobs (this has been verified ad nauseum). The login account being used for the Mac OSX servers is the Open Directory administrator account (although I have also tried to use the root account with the same results).

At this point I have only a single job configured that runs a full backup every night Monday through Friday. The interesting thing is that, at random, we will get a successful backup. This occurs with no change to the servers in question, or the backup job. For example the job will fail (12) times in a row with the a0008488 access denied error message, and then on day 13 the backup is successful. However, the backup will then fail again on day 14 (actual number of days is for example only, there is no discernable pattern). Again, all of this occurs with no changes at all in the system configurations.

Does anyone have any potential solutions for this? I have applied sp4a to both media servers, and updated all of the remote agents accordingly. I am running the Mac agent version 5.01 rev 5.045. I have run through the demo on troubleshooting access denied errors, however, the demo uses version 10 which provides the test option in the Logon Accounts utility (9.x does not have this feature). There is no Exchange (or email of any sort) in this environment.

Is there any way to create a successful backup scheme in this environment using BackupExec 9.1?

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance,.

Aaron DiBari

Level 2
I have not seen any sort of response on this in several days (not even any thoughts). Should I assume that there is no fix for this porblem? Should I be looking for a different backup solution? Something other than a BackupExec solution? I don't know what to do at this point. Obviously the client is not very happy knowing that they have no backup of their system.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If more information is needed to even begin making suggestion, please let me know what information is missing.

Thank you,
Aaron DiBari

Level 6
Hi Aaron,

We apologize for the delay caused.

In this case we would suggest you to check if the Backup Exec Remote Agent service
is being started under the "Local System Account."

Also Verify that the user name has at least "Read" access to the resource being backed

Do elaborate more on what exactly you are backing up.

Thanks and regards,

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.