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Advanced open file option snapshot failed

Not applicable
"OFO: Initialization failure on: "\\TargetServer\Veritas_Backup". Advanced Open File Option used: Veritas Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
OFO: Backup Exec cannot communicate with the Advanced Open File Option component selected."

I get this exception message but I have not selected the Advanced Open File Option in my backup set. I am also not backing up any open files. All of the files are successfully backed up to tape, but I still get this error. I have recreated the backup job and I still get the message. I am using Veritas BE 9.1 for Windows servers. W2K server with SP4 on both the target, and backup servers. The BackupExec accelerator agent is installed on the target server, but the Advanced Open File option isn't. The target server has also been rebooted since the backup job was created.

Level 6
Hi Frank,

To resolve your issue we would like to know:

1) Is Vsp.sys ( AOFO Driver ) on your machine? If yes, That means AOFO is
installed and you can not deleted it.

2) Please check in Tools-> Options -> Advanced open file and check if the option is checked and grayed out. If this is the case, that could cause the problem. To uncheck it, you have to install AOFO-> uncheck the option-> uninstall the AOFO if not needed.

3) You can do it through registry: HKLM|Software-> VERITAS->Backup->Exec->Engine->Backup|->Use Open File Option.
Set this Key to 0 if it is set to 1.


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