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Attach job logs as text attaches XML file instead of TXT file

Level 2

When selecting the "Attach job logs as text" option under Tools->Options->Job Defaults->Job Logs  my backup server is attaching the full job log in the raw xml format.  This is somewhat inconvenient since these can be tens of megabytes in size and quite unfun to try to read.  The "Attach job logs as html" works as expected, but is not as useful for our Mac/Linux system administrators.

This problem manifested itself after upgrading to Backup Exec 12.  Initially I received no backup logs after the upgrade until I performed a repair install.  I am currently running 12.0 Rev. 1364 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 (2.1.21022).

Using SGMon.exe I captured what appears to be and example of the log file being converted to html successfully.

[3596] 04/09/08 12:57:20 23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog starts iTransformType=1 sLogF=C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_CASBACKUP3_00538.xml

[3596] 04/09/08 12:57:20 23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog getXSLFile sStyleF=Display.xsl sTranslateF=ENGINETRANSLATION.XSL

[3596] 04/09/08 12:57:20 23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog about to call CEngineJobLog::Transform

[3596] 04/09/08 12:57:20 23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog ends.  Transformed String Size=158253

Here is what it looks like when it fails trying to convert the file into text:

BESERVER: [04/09/08 14:54:48] [2324]     23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog starts iTransformType=3 sLogF=C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_CASBACKUP3_00548.xml

BESERVER: [04/09/08 14:54:48] [2324]     23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog getXSLFile sStyleF=Text.xsl sTranslateF=ENGINETRANSLATION.XSL

BESERVER: [04/09/08 14:54:48] [2324]     23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog about to call CEngineJobLog::Transform

BESERVER: [04/09/08 14:54:48] [2324]     23 JobLogBO:Tranform Exception LogFile=C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_CASBACKUP3_00548.xml errNum=0x0 errDesc=C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_CASBACKUP3_00548.xml

BESERVER: [04/09/08 14:54:48] [2324]     23 CJobLogBO::transformXmlLog ends.  Transformed String Size=0


Unfortunately the "errDesc" points to the original job log which does not appear to contain any information about the error converting the file to text.  The "text.xsl" file opens fine and did not appear to have any bad data in it. I tried replacing it with the copy from the install files, but there was no change in behavior.

I then checked out permissions on the xml file and xsl file.  The permissions for display.xsl and text.xsl are exactly the same.  Both allowing users read/read&execute access, which should be enough for any user on the system to access them.

Next I attempted to manually convert the file to text using this kb article  ( ).  Here is what I got at first.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data>..\bemcmd -v -o31 -l"test.txt" -s0 -f "BEX_CASBACKUP3_00532.xml"


Backup Exec Command Line Applet version 12.0.1364.

Copyright (c) 2006 Symantec Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Connecting to local media server...


Getting server information...

[1136] 04/09/08 15:43:13 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...

[1136] 04/09/08 15:43:13 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_CONFIGPARAM

Transforming file...

[1136] 04/09/08 15:43:13 99 CBemJobLog:GetTransformString SrcFileName starts

[1136] 04/09/08 15:43:13 99 CBemJobLog:GetTransformString SrcFileName ends


ERROR: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


Disconnecting from server...





I attempted to close the offending program by searching for open handles to that file, but it turned out to be beserver.exe.  So I stopped the Backup Exec service.

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data>..\bemcmd -v -o31 -l"test.txt" -s0 -f"BEX_CASBACKUP3_00532.xml"

Backup Exec Command Line Applet version 12.0.1364.

Copyright (c) 2006 Symantec Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Connecting to local media server...



No such luck.  Restarting the services and closing the open handle returned me to the previous error message.

Not expecting much I broke out Process Monitor hoping I would see something obvious.  I didn't see much except for some sharing violations with beserver.exe attempting to create the current job log file a few times.  Of course I don't have access to symbol files for symantec so I'm not really sure whats going on, but if you would like to see my capture let me know and I would be more than happy to post it somewhere.

I am completely out of ideas.  I would rather not start over with a fresh install even if that were going to fix this minor problem.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have you found a fix for it?  Any other ideas for troubleshooting?


--edited to remove code blocks which made the post hard to read

Message Edited by ThomasMiller on 04-09-2008 02:22 PM

Message Edited by ThomasMiller on 04-09-2008 02:23 PM

Level 2
Partner Accredited
I can confirm I am seeing the exact same thing with logs when set to text format with two BE 12 media servers (fully patched as of 2008.04.14) under both Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32 bit) and Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition (64 bit).

It is pretty **bleep** annoying too - we don't allow HTML or XML file attachments in our mail system, only .ZIP and .TXT, so backup logs are getting tossed by our content filtering engine, meaning we need to manually open the BackupExec interface on our media servers daily to view the log files.


Level 4
I have the exact same problem on a Windows 2003 32 bit server.  It is a pain because I review the logs on a Blackberry typically and they don't like xml or html.

Message Edited by NED CIPOLLINI on 04-16-2008 07:41 AM

Level 4
Anyone have any idea how to fix this or a valid workaround?