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Authentication fails when attempting to reach a server

Level 2
I have been trying to get another server added to our daily backup. I have installed the remote client on the server and have verified that it is listening on port 10000 (netstat -a) and that no other services are using that port and that the service is using the local system logon account.

The server is behind a Cisco PIX 501 and I have all the ports open by IP between the 2 machines. I can connect to the server's administrative shares and can also log on via terminal services with 2 different accounts--one of which was just created for backup purposes.

When I attempt to create a backup job to the server in question, it times out while authenticating, either with the message that access was denied or that the object was not found.

While searching the firewall logs, I did notice that it was blocking an IP address on our private network. The backup server is physically connected to 2 separate networks and after disabling the NIC on the private network the IP was no longer listed as being blocked but the authentication errors still persist. The firewall logs no longer show anything being blocked when I attempt to connect.

Here's a list of what I have done so far: I added the machine in question to the backup server's host file, I disabled the private network's NIC, created a new logon account for backup with domain admin rights, added a rule to the firewall to allow all communications from the backup server by IP, added the server in question to the software firewall on the backup server, disabled the firewall on the backup server, verified that both servers are using the correct ports and that they are available and that no other services/applications are using them, applied all available updates/hotfixes, checked the event viewer on both machines for any related error messages.

Does anyone have an idea as to what I might have missed? What services do I need to have running? Do you need to have another remote license installed for the this to work or will it let you run it for 90 days without? Is there a log file I can look at other that the firewall logs that might be able to help me find out what's going on?

Level 6
Hello there,

Thank you for your query and the detailed explanation, appreciate it.

As you wish to backup the remote server which is across the firewall, I suggest you to review the Administration Manual section Backing up Data | Using Backup Exec across firewalls which can be downloaded from the following link:

You need to select the option "Enable media server TCP dynamic port range" and "Enable remote agent TCP dynamic port range" on the Backup Exec GUI, which is explained in the Administrator's Guide. Just in case you haven't done the same.

All the Backup Exec services on the Media server and the remote agent service on the remote server must be running.

3. If you're evaluating the BE software then you need not purchase the remote agent license as in evaluation period all agents and options are free. However, if the BE software is licensed then you will require the Remote agent license to backup the remote server. You cannot have the BE software licensed while the remote agent in evaluation mode.
Hope this clarifies.

4. Perform the steps above and check if you're able to backup the remote server.
Additionally, try creating a backup job using User-defined selection:

Level 2
1. The firewall is configured to allow all traffic between the 2 servers by IP. Both servers have static IPs as does the firewall. The "Enable media server TCP dynamic port range" and "Enable remote agent TCP dynamic port range" are enabled (by default I think)--none of which has been modified.
2. All BE services are running (with local system credentials) and both servers/services have been restarted.
3. We have a licensed version of BE that is currently backing up several other servers. We have not purchased the license for the server in question. From my understanding, I should be able to browse to that server; however, the "system state" and other options should be greyed out instead of authentication failing.
4. The only way I can attempt to connect to the server is via "user-defined" selections as they are part of separate networks in separate IP ranges and none have their own public DNS information.

If I am to purchase a license for the remote agant, will that fix this issue? Is there somewhere I can see that authentication is failing because of the license issue?

Level 6
Hello there,

Try creating a backup job exclusively for the remote server. This will clear any issues related to licensing as BE will use one of the licenses that are already registered.


Level 2
This is what I am trying to do.......

Level 2
Is anyone still reading this?

Level 6

We have suggested you to create a backup job exclusively for the remote agent.What is the result of this step.

Thank you for updating the same.


Level 6

In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress.

However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.


Level 6
Archiving the post as per our previous reply