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B2D overwrite protection set but always shows "Overwritable"!

Level 3
For the life of me I cant understand WHY WHY WHY this product is so hard to get it to do the simplest of things!!!

I set the overwrite protection period on my differential - weekly set to 1 WEEK.

This is so that the HDD that is in the slot, will fill up with media BEFORE beginning to overwrite older media.

However, when I delete ALL media from the system, and restart the new differential backup, it creates new B2D files on the drive and then marks them as OVERWRITABLE in the overwrie protection period.

I have the job set to use the right media set.
Differential - weekly.
This set is told to not allow overwrite for 1 week!

The media being created shows as being part of this set.

Why in the WORLD is there no overwrite protection date on the properties page from thes media files?!

Level 6
Could you elaborate on your sentence "However, when I delete ALL media from the system...."

Do you mean you are manually deleting the B2D files on the hard drive (outside of Backup Exec GUI) ? Or did you mean something else.

Level 3
I have removed all the media from the mediasets on the media tab.

AND i deleted the disk files.

I wanted to start over with a mediaset that would be definatly new and un influenced by any other media.

Level 6
There is a global Overwrite protection, found on Tools -> Options - Media Management. Verify that in your situation it is NOT set to "None".

Level 6
You might find the following technotes helpful:


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Level 3
The global setting WAS the problem!

Usually local settings override global settings in nearly every tool that uses a hierarchial settings method like this!

Take Active directory for example!

Good grief.
Like i said at the start, why do the simplest things about using thid system have to be so hard?

Thanks for reminding me of the global setting!